Youths urged to create wealth through tech innovations

Days after Nigerians commended Vice President Yemi Osinbajo for his contributions to the promotion of tech opportunities for the youth, blockchain engineer and Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD) honouree, Uchi Uchibeke, has advised young persons to take advantage of the opportunities for youth in Africa by using technology to make their lives, lives of their families and the world better.

The charge was given at the just concluded AfricaHacks 2020. In his Web Monetization keynote at the virtual event, Uchi highlighted opportunities for people in tech and non-techies to follow the innovations in the crypto, blockchain, and passion economy space, by seizing opportunities in the area where the world is moving to.

“It is like when the internet was first invented. Only well-funded research labs had access to share text over the internet, but today, we can share text, files, music and even stream videos in real-time”, Uchi said, who is also the founder of AfricaHacks.

“There is a new revolution that is happening, and this is powered by blockchain and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and the need for people to monetize their passion and make money as Youtubers, influencers, content creators and others.

“In the new paradigm,” says Uchi, “people with tech background can build products while people without a tech background can be creators of content. The marriage of builders and creators and that of product and the content will generate new forms of revenue and create an influence of capital for those who get in early.”

In conclusion, Uchi announced the Web Monetization for the Passion economy program, enabling creators, writers, artists, and musicians to join the ​Content and Creators track​ and developers, designers, and product managers to join the ​Product and Builders track.​

Application for the Web Monetization for the Passion Economic program is free and open to everyone on the Innovation Lab platform by AfricaHacks,


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