Wife To Return Bride-Price To Aid Her Divorce Her Husband

Sharia Law PHOTO: Shutterstock

A Sharia Court in Kaduna has ruled that a dowry be returned as part of a divorce process.

The decision was made by Judge Malam Muhammad Adamu-Shehu, that Fatima Muhammad must return the N80,000 dowry she received in exchange for a divorce.

Fatimoh Muhammad made her desire known and filed for a divorce in which returning the paid dowry of #80,000 would be included.

The judge suggested that she file a separate suit to obtain custody of their three-year-old child.

During the hearing, the complainant stated that she was no longer interested in the marriage and did not wish to pursue any settlement options.

She requested custody of their child, stating that she could no longer be an obedient wife to her husband.

“I am tired of the union and I cannot be an obedient wife to him; I prayed the court to grant me custody of our three year old daughter,”she said.

The defendant’s counsel, Mr L.R. Ibrahim, argued that his client still loved his wife and wished to maintain their relationship.

He asked the court for more time to try to reach an out-of-court settlement.


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