Why Katsina is in love with NFC, by Shema

GOVERNOR Ibrahim Shehu Shema of Katsina State has commended the Nigerian Film Corporation (NFC) for providing the nation with the best film training facilities, Institution (the National Film Institute) and opportunities for Nigerian filmmakers to update their skills in film production.

  The governor also lauded the interventions by the film agency in bridging the knowledge-gap through the introduction of intermediate training programmes to cater for those who do not have the requisite qualification for admission into the Diploma and Degree Programmes of the National Film Institute, Jos.  

  Alhaji Shema, in company of other top and senior government officials of Katsina State made these assertions when he received, last week, the management of NFC led by its Managing Director/Chief Executive, Dr. Danjuma Dadu at the Katsina State Government House, Katsina. 

  The governor told his guests that, the government and people of Katsina State have benefitted immensely from the wealthy experience, partnership and cooperation of the Nigerian Film Corporation in the training of youths of Katsina State in Film Production, which began in the year 2010 under the Katsina State Youth Empowerment Scheme. NFC has been serving as consultants for film training initiative. 

  Alhaji Shema underscored the need to sustain the film production training as key component of the Katsina State Youth Empowerment Scheme which has cumulatively graduated over 10,000 youths across various trades and skills since 2010. He said that the successes recorded in Film at the Training Centre and the progress recorded as at date has its roots in the unparalleled consultancy services provided by the film agency. He described NFC as one government agency “that has played critical roles in the development of the Katsina State.”   The thrust of the youth empowerment scheme, he said, was targeted at empowering youths in order to move them from being job seekers to become creators of jobs and wealth. 

  The NFC, according to the governor, is “a moving horizon and a knowledge economy which governments at all levels must deliberately key into. 

  “The explosion of film activities across the nation, giving birth to Kannywood, Yorubawood and other Woods are indications that Nigerians are catching up fast with the movie culture, art and business”. 

  He said, Katsina State Government would continue to partner and collaborate with the NFC as well as provide the enabling environment for the Nigerian film industry to flourish, by providing among others, awareness and platforms for the training of upcoming filmmakers.

  Earlier, Dr. Danjuma Dadu told the governor that NFC management was in Katsina State to present further windows of opportunities for Katsina State in Film Production Training for its youths and filmmakers.  The Nigerian Film Corporation has successfully trained 800,000 youths of Katsina State in Film Production, Dadu said, describing it as unprecedented in the history of the Corporation.

  The youth empowerment scheme Dadu averred, has become a model other states of the federation are adopting and assured that the Nigerian Film Corporation had the capacity to provide Consultancy and Training Services nationwide and or anywhere else around the world.

   The NFC head said that the National Film Institute (NFI) in Jos was being strengthened in terms of faculty, resource, equipment and physical facilities that will engender qualitative training.  Apart from the regular Diploma and Degree programmes accredited by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and National Universities Commission (NUC), the NFI, he further said has been providing specialised training for Nigerian and foreign filmmakers under its Advanced Training Programmes and the SHOOT! Training Series.

  Dadu thanked the governor and people of Katsina State for appointing the Nigerian Film Corporation to serve as Consultants to Film training in Katsina State and assured that qualitative training skills as being provided at the Training Centre will be sustained. Windows of admission opportunities at the National Film Institute for qualified graduates of the Centre he said has been established.

  Dadu equally acknowledged the support and assistance filmmakers and stakeholders in the film industry have been receiving from the government of Katsina State, especially under the current Ibrahim Shema administration, which has led to the increase in Hausa film production activities.

  Some of the highlights of discussions between the governor and the NFC managing director included the proposed Endowment of a Cinematography Centre by the Katsina State Government to be sited at the National Film Institute Jos, and visit to the Film Training Centre by Management of the Nigerian Film Corporation.

