We Want Good Roads, Say Shangisha Residents

20160128_093830-CopyTHE roads in Shangisha are turning from bad to worse and the residents are not happy. They called on the state government to come to their rescue.

Shangisha is located between Magodo Phase II Estate and Cmd Road in Ikosi Lagos.

There were times when these roads were quite beautiful. However, due to lack of maintenance, they have become unsightly. It was also noticed that the roads lacked drainages, making them susceptible to damage by running water.

Some of the major streets, like Yekini Aromolate, Olayemi Odutayo and Ogunaike, are a source of worry to residents, traders and motorists who pass through them daily.

The Guardian spoke to a taxi driver, Mr. Abayomi Adekunle, who plies the Yekini Aromolate axis. He said: “I have been a taxi driver for four years now. I will say that passing through this street everyday has not been easy. It damages my car and increases the cost of maintenance. The potholes are deep. I am appealing to the government to rehabilitate the roads.”

A businesswoman, Mrs. Fumike Rose Mary, also voiced her complaint on the deplorable road in Olayemi Odutayo Street.

“I am not very happy with the condition of the road. Whether I am walking or driving my car, I find the road uncomfortable because of the dirt, and potholes, that made me lose a tyre some weeks ago. I think something should be done about Shangisha roads and especially Olayemi Oduatayo Street,” said Mary.

