We share your pains, Ugwuanyi tells wives of fallen heroes 

Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, laying a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, at the Michael Okpara Square, Enugu, during the 2023 Armed Forces Remembrance Day (AFRD) in Enugu…yesterday. 
Donates gifts to 210 widows in Enugu
Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State, at the Michael Okpara Square, Enugu, yesterday, participated in activities marking this year’s Armed Forces Remembrance Day (AFRD), assuring wives of fallen heroes in the state that his administration shares their pains.

Ugwuanyi, on arrival, observed and inspected a parade mounted by the military, laid the Remembrance Wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and released pigeons symbolising peace in honour of fallen heroes.

After the event, the governor identified with wives of fallen heroes, who were present at the event, and assured them of continued prayers and support of the state government towards the wellbeing of their families.

The governor, therefore, announced the donation of cash and food items to each of the 210 wives of the fallen heroes in Enugu State, describing the event as a solemn moment for the state and country.

The governor also identified with officers of the military and commended them for the sacrifices they make for peace and stability of the state.

He said: “The peace we have here in Enugu would have been difficult without you people; we are grateful.”

Earlier, after a minute silence was observed in honour of departed military personnel, prayers were said by Christian and Islamic clerics for the repose of their souls and the wellbeing of their families.

Prayers were equally offered for peace, security and progress of the state and Nigeria; for God’s guidance and protection upon all those in leadership positions in the country, including President Muhammadu Buhari, Ugwuanyi and other governors, as well as the service chiefs. They also prayed for peaceful general elections and successful transition in 2023.

The laying of wreaths were also performed by the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 82 Division of the Nigeria Army, Major General Umar Musa, represented by the Garrison Commander, Brigadier General M.K Ibrahim; the Air Officer Commanding (AOC) Ground Training Command, Nigerian Air Force, Enugu, Air Vice Marshal S. Olatunde; the Speaker of Enugu State House of Assembly, Edward Ubosi; the Chief Judge of the State, Justice Afojulu Ozoemena; the Commissioner of Police, Enugu State Command, CP Ahmed Ammani; the Chairman of Nigerian Legion, Enugu State Council, Asst. Cmdt. General Emeka Igwesi; the Chairman of Enugu State Council of Traditional Rulers, Igwe Lawrence Agubuzu, and representative of wives of fallen heroes, Mrs. Gracious Moses.


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