Use these Simple steps to Save the Climate and Environment

Every June 5th, the world commemorates World Environment Day. This day was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to raise global awareness about pressing climate and environmental challenges. 

Nigeria today faces many environmental threats, from climatic troubles to how to save it. though we are rich in biodiversity, urgent actions are needed for a sustainable future. 

Here are five simple ways to make an impact in your little way, for Nigeria and a healthier planet.  

Say no to water wastage: 

Wasting water is money down the drain. Water scarcity is a growing concern in many parts of Nigeria. 

One way to contribute your quota to World Environmental Day is through water conservation. Fixing spoilt water pipes in your area may be something little, but this goes a long way in helping preserve a sustainable future. Watering gardens in the early morning or evening minimises evaporation, maximising water utilisation. This is the rainy season, you should get the best of the moment now. Every drop counts.

Plant your food

We are all aware of the climate conditions of the world currently. Bring out the farmer in you, a tree a day save our mother earth tomorrow, but importantly, give us safety at the moment. 

You can also plant your immediate meals in your little gardens, it is time to eat green, fresh foods and enough preservatives. 

Every June 5th, the world commemorates World Environment Day. This day was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to raise global awareness about pressing climate and environmental challenges. 

READ ALSO: Lagos commits to environmental policies to combat climate change

Stop the use of Nylons or ‘pure water sachet’

It takes approximately 30-40 years under ideal conditions for nylons to decompose. Guess what, we do not have such ideal conditions right now, meaning it can take hundreds of years for every nylon you drop to decompose, this is dangerous for our climate and the environment. 

Lagos banned its usage a few months back, here are alternatives to it, reusable aluminium lids, paper, and banana leaves. These alternatives provide better and more hygienic conditions than nylons. 

Walk or cycle more

While convenient, okadas contribute to air and noise pollution. Nigerians are encouraged to explore alternative modes of transportation for short trips. Walking, cycling, and even kick-scooters are not only environmentally friendly but also promote physical activity. Public transportation options like buses and trains should be utilized whenever feasible. When driving is unavoidable, carpooling with colleagues significantly reduces the carbon footprint of individual commutes.

Advocate for environmental awareness

Knowledge is a powerful tool. Nigerians can become environmental ambassadors by talking to friends and family about environmental issues and the positive impact of small changes. Sharing sustainable practices inspires others to join the movement, creating a ripple effect for a more sustainable future.

By adopting these five actions, Nigerians can contribute significantly to a cleaner, healthier Nigeria. Remember, even small steps collectively create a substantial impact. Let’s work together to make every day an opportunity to celebrate our environment and build a more sustainable future for generations to come.



  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.


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