Ukpanah wins Global Corporate Secretary Award

Keynote Speaker, Mahadhir Aziz (left); Vice President, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN) and award recipient,Uto Ukpanah; President, Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA), Suseela Menon; President/Chairman of Council, ICSAN and Honorary Treasurer, CSIA, Funmi Ekundayo, at the CSIA awards in Malaysia recently.

Vice President and council member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN), Uto Ukpanah has won ‘the Global Corporate Secretary’ of the Year award.

Held in Malaysia, the award being the maiden edition of the Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA) Global Governance Awards, makes Nigeria the first recipient of the prestigious award. Ukpanah, a fellow of ICSAN, is the company secretary of telecommunications giant, MTN Nigeria.

According to the global body, Ukpanah is an astute governance professional with a track record of excellence and exceptional leadership and expertise in corporate governance.

ICSAN in its remark on Ukpanah’s awards, said she has indeed raised the bar of Nigeria’s global rating in the area of exceptional corporate governance and value-adding company secretarial practices.

According to it, the award is a testament to the synergy between ICSAN and CSIA over the years. It stated how ICSAN has contributed to the growth and development of corporate governance and administration in the global space for over a decade with one of its past presidents, Bode Ayeku as the immediate past president of the CSIA, even as the current President/Chairman of Council, ICSAN, Funmi Ekundayo, is currently serving as the CSIA Honorary Treasurer.

To this end, the institute has restated its commitment to continue working with corporate organisations and governments alike to propagate good governance in both the private and public sector.

CSIA is the global body of all governance professionals and corporate secretaries with membership cutting across 70 countries in four continents.


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