Troops arrest 19 terrorists, rescue pregnant Chibok schoolgirl

Troops of Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) have arrested 19 Boko Haram terrorists while clearing their hideouts in Borno State.
Nigerian Army
Nigerian Army

Troops of Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) have arrested 19 Boko Haram terrorists while clearing their hideouts in Borno State.

They also recovered several weapons in Kangori village, 17 kilometres west of Damasak in Mobbar Council.

A counter-insurgency expert in Lake Chad region, Zagazola Makama, who spoke yesterday in Maiduguri, explained: “During the intensified patrols, raids and mop up operations of Operation Desert/Lake Sanity II, the insurgents were arrested in the Bulabulin general area.”

The military also recovered some improvised explosive devices (IEDs), six AK-47 magazines and other ammunition.

He said some of the terrorists’ hamlets were also destroyed to prevent reuse.

Similarly, a pregnant Chibok schoolgirl was rescued by troops of 114 Task Force Battalion in Bita, 36 kilometres west of Gwoza.

Makama said the 26-year-old “hails from the Kibaku tribe in Jila community of Chibok Council of Borno State.

“While in captivity, Hauwa got married in Gulukos to one Salman, a cameraman to the late terrorist leader, Shekau.

“Salman later died in Lake Chad. Thereafter, Hauwa Maltha got married off again to one Mallam Muhammad in Gobara and had two children for him.”

He continued: “Mallam Muhammad, her second husband, was also killed in Ukuba terrorists’ enclave in Sambisa Forest during clashes between Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP).

“Since her rescue, Hauwa, who is about eight months and two weeks pregnant, has undergone thorough medical examination along with her baby.

“Hauwa and her baby, Fatima, will be handed over to the Borno State government for further management.”


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