Tributes, prayers at memorial service for stabbed UK teen, Anjorin

An undated handout photo released by Britain’s Metropolitan Police in London on May 1, 2024 shows 14-year-old murder victim Daniel Anjorin. – 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin died on Tuesday after a man wielding a sword stabbed the youth, two police officers and two other people, in a street attack in east London, police said. Police said they arrested a 36-year-old man using Taser stun weapons and took him into custody. The incident is not believed to be terror-related, they said. (Photo by Metropolitan Police / AFP)

Prayers were offered yesterday for the family of murdered 14-year-old school boy, Daniel Anjorin, at a candlelight memorial service held in his honour at the Hainaut tube station car park.

Floral tributes were also laid in the surrounding of the junction of Laing Close, where he met his horrific death. Some were with the colours of Arsenal, Anjorin’s favourite club.

Anjorin, who was on his way to school last Tuesday when he was murdered in a horrific sword rampage by 36-year old Spanish -Brazilian, Marcus Monzo, was described by his family as a wonderful child, noting that he was “well loved and hard working and his death has left a gaping wound in their lives.”

Though his cousin and two of his extended family members were at the candlelight service, they declined speaking when The Guardian asked for comments after the service.

However, local residents and two retired police detectives were among those who paid tributes and offered prayers during the candlelight memorial.

Leroy Logan, who was involved in the Damilola Taylor investigation told the congregation: “Daniel could have been my grandson. A member of my family is so traumatised as a result of Anjorin’s murder. We’re all traumatised. I know many of you are not used to police officers praying,” he said before going ahead to pray for the family and the community. He prayed that Daniel’s death would not be in vain.

Another former detective, Shabnam Chaudhri, also offered condolences to the family. She said: “l served here in Hainaut and had been involved in many cases in the past.” She said while it is not possible to always remember victims’ names, “l never forget the pains the murders inflict.”

She urged the gathering of about a hundred mourners to “never forget his name.” They chorused “Daniel Anjorin” when she asked them to symbolically say his name.

Yemi Soile paid tributes on behalf of the Nigerian Youth Council in the United Kingdom, saying the horrific random murder could have happened to anybody. “We therefore need to start looking out for each other, especially when out on the road.”

Many who spoke after him also asked the community to let the sad incident be a turning point in rallying round each other.

Speaking on behalf of the local Kenyan community, Julliet Makhapila described Anjorin’s death as: :” incomprehensible.”
In his address, a local resident said the murder is:”very painful .” A local pastor prayed that God should “console the family.”

Comforting the family, an elderly local woman, Abiola, assured the mourners that ‘:”he’s with God.” She prayed Anjorin:”will continue to rest in perfect peace.”

Among others, a local General practitioner- doctor- described the death as a “massive tragedy,” while Anjorin’s barber prayed that he “rest in peace,” in a message read out. In another read-out message, the writer said:”your death brought so much pain to our heart. ”

Jaydeep, the event convener, said he had previously organised two similar candlelight services, but said “I don’t want to organise another .”


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