Tony Momoh for burial in Grailland tomorrow

The remains of former Minister of Information, Tony Momoh, who passed on in Abuja last week, will be interred on Grailland, Iju Hills, Lagos, tomorrow.

According to a statement, yesterday, by Grail Movement Nigeria, the burial would be preceded by a Grail Funeral Hour of Worship in the Temple of God on Grailland at 4:00 p.m.

The statement also issued an advisory on adherence to COVID-19 protocols and other guidelines required of members of the public and media who wish to attend the event.

Momoh is being accorded a Grail funeral in accordance with his wish as an adherent of the Grail Message.

The Movement, in the statement issued by Mr. Akin Orebiyi, said that a funeral in the sense of the Grail Message, is essentially to help and support, in love, the departed to fulfil his wishes for “continued joyful activity after earthly death and ultimately for the attainment of his longing for Paradise.”

Given the seriousness and importance, the occasion, it stresses, calls for absolute decorum and silence by participants throughout the ceremonies, as these imply active participation in the worship, veneration and honour of God, the Almighty Father of All, in all humility and honour.

Consequently, intending participants are enjoined to arrive Grailland not later than 2.30 p.m. for admission into the Temple fixed for between 3:00 p.m. and 3.40 p.m.

The statement warned that “no person will be granted entry once the Temple doors are closed.”

It further stipulates formal dressing either in native attire or Western clothes (suit with a tie for men; and for women, dresses which when seated must go below the knees with the sleeves covering the elbows), but indicates that both genders must leave their heads uncovered as a mark of humility to the Creator.

Also, use of telephone, camera or tape for audio or video recording or any other activity which may distract even for a moment the course of the funeral proceedings in the hall of worship or at the cemetery is prohibited.

Arrangements have been made to secure the gadgets, which can be collected by the owners afterwards.

The statement says there shall be no lying-in-state as with the social convention, as, out of respect for it, the human body is not to be displayed for exhibition and spectacle. It, therefore, advised journalists who wish to capture for their stories the arrival of the casket in Lagos from Abuja to either go to the airport on Thursday morning or do so as the hearse enters Grailland by 10:00 a.m.

However, a place has been designated for taking of photographs with members of the family by the fountains at the entrance of the Pavilion Gate to the Temple. Photographs can also be taken on the grounds around the Assembly Hall and the Restaurant.


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