Tina Odjaghian obtains settlement award of 3.5 millon dollars on behalf of injured worker who sustained a traumatic brain injury

Attorney Tina Odjaghian obtained a settlement on behalf of her client A. Alcala on June 11, 2020 . Mr. Alcala sustained a traumatic brain injury (“TBI”) and other poly-trauma while working as a carpenter when he fell off scaffolding three stories to the concrete ground. Applicant sought workers’ compensation benefits and filed a workers’ compensation claim against Expert Construction.

Ms. Odjaghian conducted detailed discovery, seeking the opinions of medical experts in multiple specialties and also enlisted the help of vocational experts and life care planners in successfully pursuing her client’s claim.

As a result of his injury, Applicant was unable to care for himself and did not wish to reside in an institutional care facility. Odjaghian successfully argued that the workers’ compensation carrier was obligated to pay relatives and other care givers for the care they have provided and are expected to provide lifelong in the absence of institutional care.

Odjaghian’s settlement of the Gil matter yielded an upfront cash payment to the Applicant to help meet his immediate needs, and the remainder was organized in the form of a structured settlement. Odjaghian and her firm enlisted the help of a conservator to make certain that Applicant’s needs and financial obligations were properly managed throughout the settlement process and long term. The settlement monies will be used to provide lifelong care and wage supplementation to Mr. Gil for the rest of his life.

Ms. Odjaghian’s former firm, Asvar & Odjaghian, obtained the highest then known workers’ compensation settlement in California history in 2012. In the aftermath of a bitter partnership separation, the former partners Tina Odjaghian and Chris Asvar resolved their differences and settled their sibling rivalry last year and are busy running their own respective successful practices. Almost two and a half years after the settlement of the Antonio Enriquez vs. Willies Painting matter, the partners are in agreement on their respective 50% entitlement to the fees associated with settling this case. Even though the former partners have resolved their dispute, the insurance company continues to hold their fees in trust and they have yet to be paid for the services in the Enriquez matter. The former partners are now devoting joint efforts through their respective firms to resolving the attorneys’ fees dispute with prior counsel and hope to resolve this dispute before the WCJ later this year.

Post partnership dissolution, in her own respective practice, Ms. Odjaghian is proud to continue that excellent standard of service in singularly obtaining the same stellar results on behalf of her catastrophically injured clients.

As a brain injury lawyer, Ms. Odjaghian is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and well-being of her clients and their respective family members. She prides herself in being on the forefront of successfully asserting unconventional remedies to help her clients cope with injuries of life altering magnitude such as a traumatic brain injury.


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