The World Of Tola Solomon

Tola-Solomon225[1]-CopyQUITE courteous and homely, Tola Solomon does not cut the picture of your run-of-the-mill businesswoman.

She could be mistaken for one of those babes still struggling to eke out a living, but another look at her fashion statement would certainly reveal a lot more.

A stylish lady who enjoys wearing the trendiest and the best of outfits that money can buy, Tola’s fashion style easily stands her out from the crowd.

Tola always steps out in style and with a carriage that portrays her as a big player in the emerging private sector of Abuja.

Formerly married to Alfred Solomon, a London-based businessman, she has been able to carve a niche for herself in several businesses in the capital city.

Though ever smiling, she, however, does not suffer fools gladly.

The fashionable lady is proud to tell you that she designs most of what she wears, as her fashion house, Hair Xcellence, has its own set of tailors, who are experts in their own right.

This is in addition to a boutique where she sells designer wears. Give it to Tola, anything she wears sits well on her.

She is also very choosy about what she puts on because of her delicate frame.

