The judgment that awaits this generation

Text: Matthew 12:43-45

The judgment of God coming against this generation that has refused the salvation of the Lord. This generation is so wicked that the people think they can survive outside their source — God. The generation has unilaterally decided to practice wickedness by lifting themselves above measure.

This is a generation that boasts and frets in its evils. They oppress the poor and trample the needy under feet. It is a generation where marine agents and witch doctors are accorded undue respect and recognition on the pulpits. It is a generation where politicians are voted into power, but use the resources of the state to fight the citizens and impoverish them. They lure the electorate to vote them into power, but afterwards subject them to excruciating economic pains and misery. These politicians do not fear God, but have the impunity to do whatever they like because they are above the law.

This is a generation where security agents provide protection for thieves, called politicians. A country where security agents play politics with bandits and Boko Haram; they claim they do not know where their hideout are but some Nigerians freely visit them and come on air to brief the public the outcome of their meetings with bandits and Boko Haram. What a pity!

It is a sad generation where dubious politicians could defect to rival political parties and are received in grand style as saints after they have committed various atrocities. To this end, a lot of these politicians must die before February 2023, General elections. No citizen is above other citizens. We are all equal before God.

Wicked generation produce arrogant people who do not have the fear of God. This is a generation that thinks that all they need in life are mundane things of this world. It saddens the heart that politicians who steal billions of naira on daily basis, walk freely on our streets, while an ordinary Nigerian who commits minor offence are severely punished, and at times, sentenced to death. It is not an exaggeration to say that Nigerian politicians are more wicked than kidnappers and bandits.

Wicked generation curse God to His face and laugh Him to scorn. They brag in the perishable works of their hands. This is a generation that lives in fraud and deceit. They are Internet fraudsters that deceive their unsuspecting victims and collect money from them. However, no Internet fraudster will get away with his fraudulent acts.

This is a wicked generation where pastors and ministers of the gospel device all means to extort their members. They instill fears in their heart of an impending danger in order to collect their money. They promise them prosperity without diligence and hard work. It should be noted that any minister of the gospel that promises prosperity without hard work is an agent of the devil.

The Lord has risen to purge this generation with His judgment; do not be a victim. Repent and be converted!
• Further reading: Psalm 10: 2-11; 10:8-9; Mt. 12:43-45; Acts 19:13-16; Exo. 14:23-28; 30; Acts 12:20-23; Dan. 5:1-8, 18-31; Deut. 22:5; Mt. 23:37-39;3:7;Is. 5:14-16; Rev. 14:10; 18:4; 6:2-17; 8:7-13; 9:1-12; 14:11; Dan. 4:29-33. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Center, 65 , Oluwatedo Estate, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State.

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