The criminal in each of us – Part 2

[FILE PHOTO] Kidnapping

Kidnappers, if only you could see all these, you would hurriedly wind up your forays into wickedness. Reflect, that if a mobile telephone, (made by ordinary men) can record to the most minute detail, all its transactions, then it is not hard to understand that the telephones of Almighty God are infinitely greater, more accurate and superior to any telephone devise by the most brilliant of men.

Kidnappers, read your Bible, which states:
“Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7).
Kidnappers, recall the commandment that says, “Thou shalt not kill,” (Exodus 20:13).
Kidnappers, muse upon the injunction: “Love one another just as I love you.” (John 15:12)
Kidnappers, remember the commandment:

“Thou shall not steal, thou shall not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shall not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbour’s (Exodus 20: 17).

Reader, let us now courageously grapple with the poser: “why is there so much evil on earth?” To clarify these questions, the reader is encouraged to examine the writings of the great ‘Light-Envoy’ and ‘Truth-Bringer’ for this present time, whose name is Abd- ru-shin. The meaning of the Arabic word “Abd-ru-shin is “Son of the Light.” Abd-ru-shin was a German author who penned down his writings in a monumental “Book of Truths” named “The Grail Message (In the Light of Truth.”)

Abd-ru-shin claims that the world as we know it is over-populated by hordes of human beings who should not be here in the first place. They should be maturing from dark experiences they would have to suffer from in the netherlands (worlds of darkness). Abd-ru-shin explains that when a man is evil, after his earthly death, he will be transported to a land in the afterlife, which has been previously and especially prepared for him (and all evil people of his type). And all these evil people will begin to practise even greater evils to each other.

The murderers will attempt to murder their fellow murderers, the kidnappers will be kidnapped by their fellow kidnappers. And after a shorter or longer period of time, such people may begin to feel remorse for the bad things they had done in the past. And their periods of detention can be greatly reduced when these miscreants begin to harbour an inner change. That means progress for them! And whereas they previously existed in pitch darkness, they might then begin to see feint light. Yes, it is only when these miscreants begin to feel sick of each other and their depraved ways of proceeding, that they might then begin to offer plaintive prayers for release.

And wherefore they did not reckon with the existence of an Almighty God, they will now begin to call out His name, to beg and to cajole Him, to release them from their justified plight. Finally, they will begin to scream out His Holy name, for deliverance from their misery. They will yearn for release from their various hells.

Each human soul, one by one, all alone, will be dragged before the dreaded chair of judgment. Abd-ru-shin further states that the Laws of God are reformative, and enable every sinful man the possibility of slow restitution. He is reformed through his painful experiences meted out to him in these netherlands, in these hallways of darkness. He is punished for being a henchman of Lucifer (the disgraced fallen archangel).

These reformations may change his mindset, whether it takes years, decades, and even centuries. The Laws of God will not release the sinner from his spot of detention until he repents and shows remorse for his manifold crimes. He will be punished for making wrong decisions, in spite of the multiplicity of more uplifting career options open to him before he recklessly chose to embark on his profession of crime.

Abd-ru-shin claims that the whole earth has from millennia, been so embroiled in evil, that numerous spiritual bridges have been extended from the earth, into the regions of darkness. On these bridges, unwanted evil men are again able to rise up to the earth’s plane through the Divine Laws of attraction, where ‘like meets like.’

These spiritual bridges enable many of those bitter wicked souls in the beyond, to prematurely return to the earthly plane, whereby they again promptly begin to re-enact their previous wickedness, negative habits and evil propensities! The overcrowding of the earth with evil people, explains why there is so much crime here on earth, and why the earth is overpopulated. It explains why there is a preponderance of bitter and wicked souls, who wander around viciously and ravenously, causing confusion, chaos, instability, insecurity and war!

As early as 1927, (while still writing his monumental Grail Message), Abd-ru-shin claimed that one half of the present day inhabitants on earth do not belong here at all.

Finally, Abd-ru-shin gave his frank assessment of the state of present day humanity, when he wrote with his severe and acidic pen, the following words: “It is pitiable to see how diligently man on earth works at his retrogression and thus at his destruction under the delusion that he is thereby striving upwards!

“Earthman! A bitter taste is attached to the name of this creature for everything in Creation weaving in the Will of God, and it would seem better for man if this name were no longer uttered, because whenever it is mentioned vexation and uneasiness penetrate the entire Creation at the same time, something that lays a burden upon mankind on earth, for this vexation, this uneasiness, are a living accusation which forms itself automatically and must confront all mankind on earth adversely.

“Due to his wrong activity, which made itself conspicuous in this Creation by hindering, disturbing, and continually doing harm, man on earth has at last become an outlaw through himself, through his ridiculous pretence of knowing everything better! He has stubbornly and forcibly brought his expulsion, because he made himself incapable of simply receiving God’s blessings in humility.
“He wanted to make himself the creator, the achiever, he wanted to force the activity of the Almighty into complete submission to his earthly will!

“There is no word which could properly describe such conceited arrogance in its boundless stupidity! Just delve into this hardly credible behaviour yourselves! Imagine man on earth, and how by assuming an air of importance he wishes to place himself above the mechanism of this marvelous work of a Divine Creation (which has up till now remained unknown to him) in ‘order to direct it, rather than willingly fitting himself into it as a small part thereof… you will not then know whether to laugh or to weep!

“A toad standing before a high rock and wanting to order it to move out of its way does not produce quite so ludicrous an effect as does present day mankind in his mad ambition towards his Creator.”
Aluko wrote from the lecture, “The Destroyed Bridge,” (The Grail Message of Abd- ru- shin). He can be reached via:



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