Teachers’ reality TV show will attract more Nigerians to teaching profession, says TCRN

[FILES] A teacher . Photo: CHALK
Registrar of Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), Prof Josiah Ajiboye, has said a Television Reality Show – “Teachers Naija”, would attract more Nigerians and best candidates into the teaching profession.

Ajiboye, who stated this at an event yesterday to announce the commencement of the second season of the show, said the Federal Government would support any platform designed to promote professionalism and welfare in the nation’s teaching profession.

According to a national personnel audit conducted on public and private education in Nigeria, the country has a shortage of 277,537 teachers at the basic level.

While 73 per cent of teachers in public were considered as qualified, only 53 per cent of teachers in Nigeria private schools were qualified to teach.

The TRCN registrar, however, said the reality show slated to begin on August 3, 2021, with 20 teachers on the show for 20 days, would attract the best hands to teaching profession.

He said: “From the level TCRN, this is a thing of pride that is happening in our time and we are happy that we have the opportunity of witnessing a reality TV show that is dedicated solely to teachers and teachers development.

“We look forward to a successful programme in 2021. I believe very strongly that based on the kind of support we are getting, this year’s show would be outstanding and highly rewarding”.

Convener of Teachers Naija Reality TV Show, Enuagwuna Ubaka, said the platform was geared towards improving and changing the narrative in the teaching profession, adding that two winners debut season in 2019 became millionaires through the show.

He said the second season was unable to take place in 2020 because of COVID-19 pandemic.

He said: “They say that the teachers reward is in heaven, but we are here to change that lifelong quote and we are saying that the teachers reward is now. The second season promises to be more educative and entertaining, 20 teachers from different schools in the country will make it to the house and they will be there for twenty days.

Ubaka explained that winners of the show would be chosen based on their ability to carry out tasks and perform excellently well in the activities within the twenty days.

According to him, winner in the upcoming season would go home with N2m, while the first and the second runner up would go home with N1.5m and N1m respectively.


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