
Folly of leadership 

The late distinguished American historian, Babra Tuchman, noted that failed leadership is of four kinds, often in combination; Tyranny or Oppression, Excessive Ambition, Incompetence or Decadence, Folly or Perversity. I am concerned
1 week ago

Cleric harps on effective leadership

The General Superintendent, Assemblies Church of God, Nigeria, Rev. Paul Emeka, has urged leaders in the country to ensure effective transmission of leadership. Emeka, who was on an apostolic visit to Abuja
2 weeks ago

But who said our leaders are corrupt?

“Nigerians are hardworking and conscientious, but our leaders are heartless. Nigeria would not be associated with corruption if not for our leaders. We are smart, intelligent, and hardworking.”
1 month ago
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