
Members of the South Sudan People's Defence Force of the East African Community Regional Force (EAC-RF) sit on the plane before leaving the Democratic Republic of Congo at Goma airport on December 8, 2023. - The East African Community (EAC) regional force began its withdrawal from the Democratic Republic of Congo in the morning of December 3 after Kinshasa deemed it ineffective and refused to renew its mandate. The regional bloc first deployed troops in the violence-plagued region in November last year after the resurgence of the M23 rebel group. (Photo by Guerchom Ndebo / AFP)

250 more East African soldiers withdraw from eastern DRC

About 250 South Sudanese soldiers left Goma on Friday, the latest group from an East African Community (EAC) regional force to withdraw from the strife-torn eastern Democratic Republic of Congo after Kinshasa
7 months ago
DR Congo Army troop PHOTO:AFP

Fierce fighting close to key DR Congo city

Fighting erupted Friday between M23 militiamen and government troops near the eastern DR Congo city of Goma, sources said, hours before the expected arrival of a European mercy flight. The aid mission
1 year ago
Virunga National Park rangers guard the high voltage power line construction site on the solidified lava flow of the Nyiragongo volcano .ALEXIS HUGUET AFP/File

Second volcano erupts near DR Congo’s battered Goma city

A second volcano erupted Saturday near the eastern DR Congo city of Goma, a week after Mount Nyiragongo roared back into life, causing devastation and sparking an exodus.
3 years ago
Displaced residents of Goma, queue to receive food distributed by the citizen's movement 'Lucha' as aid to the displaced population in Sake, 25km North-West of Goma, on May 28, 2021. - The eastern Democratic Republic of Congo city of Goma was almost deserted on May 28, 2021 after residents fled following a warning that the Mount Nyiragongo volcano might erupt again. Goma, located on the shore of Lake Kivu, has been on edge since Africa's most active volcano erupted on May 22, 2021 leaving 32 people dead. (Photo by Guerchom Ndebo / AFP)

DR Congo city empties over fears volcano could erupt again

The eastern DR Congo city of Goma was eerily deserted Friday, a day after tens of thousands of residents fled after warnings that the nearby Mount Nyiragongo volcano may erupt again.
3 years ago