
Sudan heading towards ‘violent breakup,’ says ICG

Agence France Presse (AFP) quoted ICG as asserting that Sudan is heading towards ‘violent breakup’ due to the lack of implementation of peace deals between Khartoum and the west, south and east of the country.

“Sudan is sliding towards violent breakup,” the Brussels-based think tank said in a report entitled “Sudan: Preventing Implosion.”

It added: “The main mechanisms to end conflicts between the central government and the peripheries – the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (with the south), the Darfur Peace Agreement and the East Sudan Peace Agreement – all suffer from lack of implementation, largely due to intransigence of the National Congress Party,” of President Omar al-Beshir, the report said.

“It is essential to move rapidly on a number of fronts, including to negotiate a Darfur peace agreement that allows all Darfuris to vote in national elections,” in April 2010, it continued.

The report, according to AFP, recommends adding an additional protocol on Darfur to the CPA, which was signed in 2005 to end two decades of war between north and south, in order to “unite the several peace processes.”

The group would welcome postponing general elections to November 2010 to allow time to resolve outstanding issues related to the vote.

It said pre-electoral CPA benchmarks were still outstanding, including agreement on the commissions for the referendum on self-determination for the south and the referendum that will establish whether Abyei district will remain in the north or be integrated into the south.

Both referendums are scheduled for 2011, with the ICG “quite certain” that the south will choose independence.

International coordination for the implementation of the peace accords is essential, the ICG said.

The United States, China, IGAD and members of the African Union Peace and Security Council should agree to “support an individual of international stature to lead the several negotiations with a view to reconciling the paths of the Sudan peace process,” the report insists.


