Studio Of Mode Presents Nostalgia

IMGMode Aderinokun is set to launch her third solo art exhibition, Nostalgia, this Sunday at the studio of Mode, Ikoyi. Speaking with Aderinokun, she explains that the exhibition aims to explore the derivation of nostalgia and the sentimental value of how pain affects one.

According to the artist, “Nostalgia is a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one’s life, and is often triggered by memories of home, family, and friends. The expression evokes a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time; however happiness is not my focus for this exhibition”.

Going through the paintings, it is obvious Aderinokun delves into the ache and sadness of the feeling of nostalgia. Relying on intense self-reflection, she presents art pieces that explore perceptions of beauty, equality and self-liberation.

Although the art pieces reveal raw emotions and pain, Modé hopes that exposing parts of her vulnerable self will enhance her connection with viewers of her work. She gives the viewers a bit of herself, to create a context in which people can share their feelings and deeply think about themselves in ways they ordinarily would not. The artist hopes that her work will stir up a wistful desire for healing, for wistful remembrance and finally, for joy and contentment.
The exhibition will begin this Sunday and would run for six weeks.

