Spanish PM presents government reshuffle to king

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. REUTERS/Susana Vera/Pool

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez will announce a reshuffle of his government, composed of Socialists and the radical left Podemos, later on Saturday, according to an official statement.

Sanchez “is currently at the Zarzuela Palace informing His Majesty the King of the composition of his new government,” a government statement said.

Sanchez is due to formally present his new cabinet around 2:00 pm (1200 GMT).

According to press reports, the five Podemos ministers will keep their portfolios.

Sanchez’s number two, Socialist Carmen Calvo, is due to be replaced as first vice-president by Nadia Calvino, who is the economy minister, according to El Pais and Cadena Ser dailies.

Foreign Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya is also due to be replaced, according to the reports.

The reshuffle is the first since January 2020, when the current government was sworn in.

The Spanish government has been weakened over the past several months.

Three months ago, Podemos and the Socialists were routed in regional elections in Madrid by the conservative Popular Party.

The government’s decision recently to pardon nine Catalan separatists has also drained support.


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