Retired captain pushes for military reserve, eyes NYSC as potential source

[FILES] Soldiers stand on guard. (Photo by Audu Marte / AFP)

A retired group captain, national security consultant, and political analyst, Sadiq Shehu, has explained why Nigeria needs to build a military reserve.

Speaking on Arise TV in a recent interview, Shehu said that he was aware that the need to create a formidable military reserve for Nigeria has been discussed in several committees, but no concrete action has been taken.

He stated that one potential source for a military reserve is the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

“When talking about this issue, you are addressing two concepts: compulsory military service (conscription) and compulsory military training,” he said. “Conscription means you are required to serve, while the second one involves getting the skills to be a reserve, and you may eventually serve or not.”

“In Nigeria, we have long discussed the fact that we do not have enough military personnel, but little has been done about it. I have served on several committees where the issue of a reserve for the Nigerian Armed Forces has been discussed. The Nigerian constitution and the Armed Forces Act mention the word ‘reserve,’ so there is a foundation for it, but nothing concrete has been done.”

“Several committees have suggested that if we are to have a reserve, the NYSC would be a potential source. Bringing people into the military has several advantages for individuals, society, and the country. In advanced societies, some people join the military purposefully for a few years to gain discipline, leadership, and other skills.”

He said the expectation is that anyone who serves in the military will come out a better person, discipline-wise.

“At the societal level, especially in a society like ours, the typical military person in Nigeria is more attuned to Nigeria’s realities, the different languages, and can mix easily. In the military, you are forced to work with people from different areas and belief systems, making you a better citizen who can integrate more. This benefits the country and society.”

At the national level, the security consultant, who cited the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war as an example, stressed that reserves can be useful in defending the country against external aggression.

He said, “At the national level, another issue is that you never know when war is going to come knocking. If you have such people who are trained even though they are not fully in uniform and that’s what is happening in Ukraine, you can call them at any time.”


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