Otedola: Championing nation- building through philanthropy, entrepreneurial support

Femi Otedola

Femi Otedola, a prominent Nigerian business magnate, has been increasingly recognised not only for his business acumen but also for his significant contributions to nation-building through philanthropy and entrepreneurial support. His endeavours have sparked discussions on the role of private individuals in driving socio-economic development and fostering a culture of giving back to the community. WALIAT MUSA writes….

Beyond his remarkable success in the business world, Otedola’s philanthropic endeavours have left an indelible mark on society, transforming countless lives and communities across Nigeria. His philanthropic footprint extends far beyond mere financial contributions; it reflects a deeply ingrained belief in the transformative power of education and entrepreneurship in shaping the future of Nigeria .

His involvement in various educational initiatives underscores his commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders and change-makers. This is exemplified by his recent pledge to construct staff quarters at the Lagos campus of the Nigerian Law School, reflecting his deep-seated commitment to supporting education and empowering future generations of legal professionals. This is coming few months after his unprecedented move to generously donate N1 million to each of the 750 students of Augustine University towards their tuition for 2023/2024 session.

In a remarkable acknowledgment of his unwavering commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and education in Nigeria, Otedola has been named the recipient of the prestigious 2024 TOCSS Entrepreneurial Support Project Honours, which serves as a testament to Otedola’s dedication to nation building through his philanthropic endeavors, particularly within the realm of education.

One of the most notable aspects of Otedola’s philanthropy is his significant support for schools across Nigeria. From infrastructure development to scholarship programs, Otedola has consistently invested in improving educational opportunities for students from all walks of life. His contributions have not only enhanced learning environments but have also opened doors of opportunity for countless young Nigerians, empowering them to pursue their dreams and contribute meaningfully to society.

Beyond education, his philanthropy encompasses a wide range of initiatives aimed at uplifting communities and addressing pressing social issues. Whether it’s providing healthcare services to underserved populations or supporting grassroots development projects, Otedola’s philanthropic endeavors reflect a holistic approach to nation building that prioritizes the well-being and prosperity of all Nigerians.

The TOCSS Entrepreneurial Support Project Honours is a fitting acknowledgment of Otedola’s tireless efforts to drive positive change and inspire others to follow suit. As a recipient of this esteemed award, Otedola’s legacy as a champion of nation building through philanthropy and entrepreneurial support is firmly established, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for generations to come.

Otedola’s philanthropy exemplifies the transformative potential of individual action in shaping a brighter future for Nigeria. Through his unwavering commitment to education, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility, he continues to pave the way for a more inclusive, prosperous, and resilient nation.

The discussions sparked by Otedola’s philanthropic endeavors reflect broader conversations on the evolving role of the private sector in driving positive change and advancing societal well-being. Beyond generating profits, businesses are increasingly recognized as agents of social change, with a responsibility to invest in communities and address systemic challenges that hinder inclusive growth.

Otedola’s philanthropic model serves as a compelling example of how private individuals can leverage their resources, expertise, and influence to effect meaningful change and contribute to nation-building efforts. By investing in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and other key sectors, philanthropists play a vital role in laying the foundation for long-term prosperity and social cohesion.

The Vice chancellor of Augustine University, Prof Christopher Odetunde, told The Guardian that Otedola decided to give one million naira each to 750 students towards their tuition for the 2023/2024 session as he realized that some students and parents were struggling to pay the fees. He added that Otedola made the move because of the current economy of the country, hence, realizing that many families are going through a lot.

“He gave us an engineering building which is completed now. We started with the first project, he has commissioned the second project, we want to have electrical electronics, computer engineering, mechanical, civil, environmental and other departments so it’s a continuous process for him.

“Remember the first phase is computer engineering, the next one might be electrical, followed by mechanical, civil, agric, he is committed to that, he wants to build all the engineering departments, and he named it after his dear mother, Lady Joda Otedola,” he said.

Speaking on the education system in Nigeria, Prof. Odetunde said the system in the country is outdated as some of the curriculum for a developed country should be pragmatic, noting that as an engineer, he or she should be able to translate theories into a product.

He stressed that the National Universities Commission (NUC) has acknowledged a shift in approach. Previously, they mandated 100 per cent adherence to prescribed curricula, which felt restrictive, akin to being in a cage. Ω

However, a recent development has seen NUC allowing universities to choose 30 per cent of their curriculum while the commission provides 70 per cent. There’s a concern that the 30 per cent autonomy may gradually increase, diminishing NUC’s influence. Eventually, universities could prioritize teaching content beneficial to their students. There’s a perception that today’s students, while still intelligent, lack sufficient challenge. They no longer rely on rote learning but prefer practical applications. Just as children explore every feature of a device, students should fully utilize their education.

Odetunde highlighted that students’ reading habits have been affected by the prevalence of AI, but countered that there are tools like plagiarism checkers available. Thus, the ability to simply copy and paste content undermines the learning process. It suggests a lack of originality and critical thinking. When students merely replicate existing information without adding their own insights, it hampers their ability to truly understand and engage with the material. Therefore, while AI may facilitate access to information, it’s essential for students to digest and interpret that information in their own words to foster genuine learning and academic growth.
He further emphasized the importance of encouraging students to think outside the box. While AI is a resource, there are mechanisms in place to detect plagiarism, noted that lecturers, if diligent, can verify the authenticity of students’ work.

“It’s crucial for students to understand that even with AI, they are accountable for their submissions. Proper credit must be given when referencing others’ work. This approach not only promotes academic integrity but also fosters a culture of respect for intellectual property,” he said.

A 400level Mass Communication and Media Studies student of Augustine University, Osemeke Chidera said considering the economic instability in the country, being a beneficiary of one million by Otedola’s philanthropic move to support her education was commendable.

He stressed that she would love to see more of his support in public universities as they face more economic hardship than those in private universities, noting that there are students who are not as privileged as them in private universities.

“He deserves the award because he has been involved in a lot of donations, achievements when it comes to giving, you don’t get to see a wealthy person who deemed it fit to give out to the masses frequently, I hope he gets more recognition and it inspires him to do more.

“I have received one million naira, it was sent to my parents. and I don’t think that there is a parent that won’t be happy with the support, my parents were happy, I don’t have any problem as the money was not given to me directly,” he said.

A 300level Mass Communication and Media Studies student, Aneme Osadebamen said the one million naira by Otedola came at an appropriate time as it impacted their family positively, noting that the money supposed to pay for her school fees for an entire session was allocated to some other things.

“He deserves the award, he is a wonderful person and someone that is trying to make Nigeria a better country, and he tries to contribute positively everywhere. My parents didn’t insist on me coming here, it was my desire to come here to study mass communication. I would like to see Femi Otedola in other schools, like secondary schools, to sponsor the students in their academics,” she said.

An 100level Nursing Science student, Oluwatoyin Funmilayo mentioned that she was extremely happy for her mum because it wasn’t easy, noting that even if the money hasn’t gotten to her level yet, she is optimistic that it would get to her turn subsequently. She mentioned that the act by Otedola has inspired her to also be a philanthropist and do better than he is doing now as she grows up, noting that the money was huge and encouraging.

“Right now, the money hasn’t gotten to my level yet because I am in 100l but I know subsequently, it will get to my turn, when the money gets to my mum, it will compensate her. Otedola deserves the award, because he is really dedicated, if there is any other award higher than this, he deserves it, and as time goes on, he will be able to get more awards,” she said.

A 400level Computer Science Student, Oluoma Peter said it hasn’t been easy paying his school fees, noting that the one million naira will go a long way, he mentioned that the money has helped him if not completely, fund his second semester payment and helped save more towards his Master’s degree. “He deserves the award, his kind is rare, I will urge him to use his influence in driving the necessary changes needed in the educational sector, “ he said.


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