Odunlade Adekola: I flow easily with indigenous content

Odunlade Adekola

Odunlade Adekola is an actor, singer, filmmaker and director. Born and raised in Abeokuta, Ogun State, the native of Otun Ekiti, Ekiti State gained popularity for his lead role in Ishola Durojaye’s 2003 movie, Asiri Gomina Wa, and has acted in over 100 Nollywood movies since then. Adekola, a degree in Business Administration from the University of Lagos, is the founder and CEO of the Odunlade Adekola Film Production (OAFP). In this interview with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, he shares his passion for indigenous content, among others.

You recently got an AMVCA nomination with your movie Orisa in the Best Indigenous Movie category, what does that mean to you?

For me getting a nomination simply means that my work is been appreciated and also it shows that it has passed all necessary standard requirement to fit into that category. I am excited, and this shows it’s good to keep doing the work; I pray I win at the end of the day: Big shout-out to all the amazing nominees in that category.

Lately, filmmakers are now focusing on the production of indigenous movies; do you think the timing is right?
Right now we are concentrating on indigenous movies, there is no better time than the present; kudos to some of our legends who paved way for doing projects like this. The filmmaking circle is gradually changing from those times when English was dominating, we have found our foot and taken our spot. No one tells an in-depth story better than the ones that project our culture and values in right proportion. Our local movies as you might want to call it is now gaining
international recognitions; it’s a start of many good works to come.

You directed ‘Beast of Two Worlds (Ajakaju)’, how easy or tough was it for you to deliver on the job?
It was an easy task to do for me because I was already acquainted with the script from day one and also I love to direct good movies and Ajakaju is one of such project. It a movie project the audience love as it has a lot of take-home.

How do you feel about the attention local movies are getting lately on the global map?
It’s a success story that all filmmakers need to be happy about, past years only the music industry was getting all the accolades but at the moment the film industry is being recognised globally with so much attention on our local content. For me, this is what I have set out to do, I am excelling well but at the same time there is still room for improvement as the production techniques changes every day and you must move with trend to be able to keep up in the market space.

The Gen-Zs are really not in tune with our deep rich culture, what should parents do differently? What is the way out?
The truth is whether you are Gen-Z or Millennial, very soon, they will key into it, you cannot take the culture out of the way of life of people. One way or the other, they will begin to appreciate their culture just the way we embrace our mother tongue. On the roles of parents too, every parent needs to inculcate their culture into the everyday lifestyle of their children. Take them on historical tours so that they appreciate their culture, allow your children attend exhibitions, go see cultural movies like Ajakaju and others. Our culture can only be preserved, if we do more to appreciate it.

You are more involved in indigenous content, any reason for that?
No reason other than the fact that as a filmmaker, you need to understand what your audience wants because once you stop giving your audience value, you stop living as they consume your good work. I flow genuinely and easy when it comes to indigenous content.

What is your take on the Nollywood industry?
It is an industry with great potential. It is growing in leaps and bounds, yet it has potential to grow more. All we ask for is for an enabling environment from government to help us thrive. It would be nice if the entertainment industry gets greater attention and consideration in government finances because this is a money-spinning industry. What you invest is what you get. That is why Hollywood and Bollywood remain on top. They have made the movie industry in America and India part of their income generators. Government must equally tackle piracy. By this move, the copyright laws should be effectively put to use.

You have featured in countless movies, which of them is most outstanding?
Life evolves and no progressive dwells in the past or wants to remain static. Each work I do takes me to a bigger challenge. It is very difficult for me to pick any of my works as outstanding because I try to go a step further in every job as they come, more so, the roles differ with each movie. I have tried as much as possible to maintain a standard, professionally. I don’t go below that standard, instead, I go higher. So, with such mindset on your job, everything comes out with a different higher or better result. So, it is difficult to pick.

How do you combine family life with your job as an actor?
I am always grateful to God for the kind of family especially the wife that He gave to me. When you truly have your better half as a wife or husband, every other thing falls in place. Once the homefront is at peace, you will surely have a sweet and smooth sailing career. Besides, every successful man there is always a virtuous woman and vice versa. Truth me, my family is my strength.

How do you combine your job as an actor who could play some adverse roles with your religion or faith?
My job is different from my faith, which you chose to call religion. As a professional, I am supposed to play or act any and all roles assigned to me. This has nothing to do with my faith as a Christian. But I need to correct one impression here, being religious is different from being spiritual. You may be religious yet very carnal, but once you are spiritual, you see things from divine point of view.

What is the secret of your scandal-free career?
Fear of God and self-discipline. Temptations will come naturally but with the fear of God which goes with prayers, you will conquer.


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