Nun Danket Orchestra clocks 10

For the Director/ Founder Nun Danket Chorale, Orchestra and Band, Sunday Adeyinka Akapo, it is imperative to change the narratives of music by infusing classical and contemporary rendition into what they do.

Speaking at the 10th anniversary of the band, which held in Lagos recently, he said the unveiling of Nun Danket Chorale, Orchestra and Band was borne out of his passion and love for music and humanity.

He added objectives of the band include, training youths in the act of music, with a primary focus of uniting the world with the power of music; creating education scholarship endowment fund to assist members in their educational and musical pursuit irrespective of their social class, religion or ethnicity; having a blue print that will effectively take care of members welfare challenges; participating during local and international musical competitions and other platforms and to be a brand to effectively project a culture of classical and contemporary music.

“We sincerely appeal to kind and spirited people of like minds to support this great dream, geared towards unifying the world with the power of music. As we consolidate on the achievements of the band in the last 10 years, we solicit for your renewed support towards changing the narratives, for a better and united world,” he said.
