NUC accredits additional courses for Ajayi Crowther varsity

The National Universities Commission (NUC) has given the nod to Ajayi Crowther University (ACU), Oyo, to run 11 additional programmes.

The commission stated that the programmes were accredited in line with Section 10 (l) of the Education (National Minimum Standard and Establishment of Institution) Act.

The new programmes include Business Administration, Entrepreneurship; Agriculture; Medical Laboratory Sciences; Mass Communication; Computer Engineering; Electrical Electronics Engineering; survey and Geo-informatics; Economics; as well as Peace, Strategic and Conflict Resolution.

The commission also granted interim accreditation for Radiography and Radiation Science.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Timothy Adebayo, said the approval was a reflection of the institution’s unwavering commitment to offer qualitative education and maintain the highest standards of academic excellence.

He added that the feat also signified hard work, dedication and expertise of the university faculty staff and students.

He said: “The accreditation process is a rigorous exercise, involving thorough evaluations and assessments by the NUC. The fact that our courses have met and exceeded these standards is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and expertise of our faculty, staff, and students. Accredited courses ensure that our students receive education that is recognised and respected both nationally and internationally. It opens doors for further academic pursuits and enhances their employment prospects in an increasingly competitive global market.”


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