Nigerian women solicit UN, multinational agencies’ intervention on street children’s rehabilitation

Nigerian women have requested special intervention from the United Nations (UN) and multinational agencies to curb the growing number of street children in Nigeria, as a way of curbing banditry and criminality in the country. 

Speaking at a high-level dialogue on advancing programmes for women and girls in Nigeria in Abuja, yesterday, the Dean of Commissioners for Women Affairs and Social Development of the 36 states of federation, led by Dr. Ini Adiakpan, urged development partners for assistance to improve the situation of women and girls in the country.

They stressed that street children must be urgently taken off the streets through proper package intervention to curb the risk of them turning out to become criminals and bandits later. 

According to Adiakpan, for the country to curb the current challenges of crime and criminality, children must be taken off the street, while appropriate plans are designed for them.

The women also said that 90 per cent of women are in agriculture needing to be improved and taught how to use high breed technology.  According to her, this would help solve the food security problem in Nigeria.

She said women could champion the current food security programme of the current administration if they are provided with improved seedlings, noting that women dominate the food and farming process in Nigeria. 

Speaking earlier, the United Nations Development programme (UNDP) resident representative, Elsie Attafuah, tasked the women to organise themselves to access UN support.


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