Nigerian, Rwandan students connect to commemorate 1994 TUTSI genocide

The 30th anniversary of the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, took on a unique form, with an online classroom dialogue between High School students of Premiere Academy Lugbe, Abuja in Nigeria and Lycee High School, Kigali, in Rwanda. Themed “Remembrance, Unite, Renew”, the initiative, which hosted at the Premiere Academy premises on Friday, 26th April, was jointly organised by the Rwandan High Commission in Nigeria and the United Nations office, Abuja.

In attendance were His Excellency, Mr. Christophe Bazivamo , the Ambassador of Rwanda in Nigeria and key members of the Commission and Representatives of the United Nations Information Centre in Nigeria, Ms Bolanle Olumekor and Ms Adeola Adedeji, the Digital Media Assistant and Public Information Assistant respectively. The Premiere Academy team was led by the Principal Mr. John Olugbenro, accompanied by other top management staff of the School.

Welcoming the August visitors to the School, Mr. Olugbenro thanked the Ambassador, his team and the UN Information Centre Representatives for collaborating with Premiere Academy for the important outreach. He assured of the school’s commitment to maintaining the relationship and emphasized the invaluable benefits of the engagement to the students.

Ambassador Bazivamo in his remarks, advised the students to stand against the devastating forces of hate and intolerance and to ensure such atrocities as the Rwandan Genocide are never repeated for a united and peaceful future and a better world.

There was a presentation on the history of Rwanda and the events of the Genocide by students from Lycee High school , Kigali, followed by a barrage of insightful questions from Premiere Academy students, with focus on efforts and strategies to prevent future atrocities and promote reconciliation.

A solemn candlelight session and a minute of silence were observed in honour of the victims of the Genocide, to serve as poignant reminders of the importance of the Remembrance initiative.

In his remarks, Mr. Chris Akinsowon, Director of Academic and Administration at Premiere Academy, urged students from both schools to become ambassadors of peace and reconciliation in their communities. He extended appreciation to the organizers and reiterated the Academy’s readiness to host future activities aimed at fostering understanding and unity, and promoting friendliness amongst young people across countries.


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