Nigeria is sitting on time bomb, plot to scheme out S’East will fail, says MASSOB

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Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), yesterday, said Nigeria “is sitting on a time bomb,” stressing that alleged attempt to sideline the South East from the scheme of things may lead to disintegration of the country.

National Leader of MASSOB, Uchenna Madu, alleged a “secret pact reached by the Hausa-Fulani, representing Arewa, and Yoruba, representing Oduduwa,” against the people of old Eastern region on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) to ensure they are relegated in Nigeria.

“It is obvious that this pact will make President Muhammadu Buhari handover the baton of APC to a Muslim-Yoruba man unless the judiciary rises to the occasion.”

The group stressed that Nigeria is already sitting on a political time bomb, which will likely explode soon. It noted that the consciousness of future survival of Biafra people, Middle Belt and Oduduwa has been reawakened for the defense of their lands and people from every maneuvering of the Buhari government.

He stated that alienation of the region started with the body language of the President, and came into manifestation with appointments of all security chiefs from his kinsmen, his continuous defence and protection of marauding herdsmen, his insensitivity against non-Muslims, as well as inability to protect citizens.

He added that there were other evidence that the Buhari administration has an agenda, which is detrimental to non-Muslims in Nigeria.

Madu added: “The rot, imbalances and inequalities in the education sector, where there are special and preferential academic laws for Northern citizens against the South, the harsh economic policies against the people of south East, continuous tribalism and hatred against the region and Christians in Nigeria, are all manifestations that the Buhari government is skewed against a particular race.”


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