NBTE moves against operators of illegal health institutions, reviews N100m deposit

Prof. Idris Bugaje

National Board For Technical Education (NBTE) has raised the alarm over proliferation of illegal health institutions and colleges nationwide, saying it is working with Department of State Services (DSS) to arrest the proprietors.

The Executive Secretary, Prof. Idris Bugaje, who spoke yesterday in Kaduna, explained that one of the proprietors had been arrested while attempting to register graduates for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme.
Addressing a meeting of provosts, proprietors of health institutions and colleges and registrars of health professional bodies, Bugaje restated NBTE’s determination to rid Nigeria of illegal health institutions.
He said the meeting was to review activities and challenges in the sector, especially the N100 million deposit by those seeking to establish health institutions.

His words: “I am happy to inform you that at the management meeting of NBTE, we looked at the issues affecting health colleges and have decided to reduce one of the major impediments: This issue of bank guarantee of N100 million. We have listened to complaints from most of you, and we have now reduced the bank deposit guarantee to N25 million.”
The forum is to come up with a workable solution to address proliferation of unlawful health facilities.


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