Michael Makinde debuts book on logistics, supply chain industries

Michael Makinde, a logistics and Supply Chain professional, has debuted his new book, ‘Moving for the Greater Good: Thoughts on the Logistics and Supply Chain Industry in Nigeria.’

The book, which had a foreword by Tayo Rotimi, Chief Executive Officer, MacTay Consulting, highlighted the potential of the Logistics sector to deliver sustained prosperity, provide jobs, and support Economic growth and development.

According to Makinde, the book signaled his attempt to contribute invaluable insight, deep knowledge, and ideas garnered over the last 25 years to help the government formulate its policy objectives, development framework, and growth strategy.

He noted that the current economic and social challenges are already quite clear noting that the combination of weak macro-economic fundamentals, worsening human development indices, and a potential fiscal crisis suggest that the work of the new administration would be cut out.

He said: “The social and economic challenges are also compounded by the lack of a fiscal buffer to withstand local and global shocks, especially fluctuations in global oil prices and their attendant impact on the economy.

“In the light of these challenges, there is no doubt that the government must adopt a radical economic approach by diversifying the nation’s economy and investing in the critical sectors that can stimulate growth. One of the sectors that can bolster our fragile Economy in the long term is the logistics sector. The logistics sector presents opportunities for growth and sustainable development.”

According to Makinde, while the sector has been imperiled by a wide range of challenges, including infrastructural gap, harsh business environment, and inadequate transportation, among other critical drawbacks, Nigeria has the capacity to translate its land, geography, demography, and huge market to become a global leader in the logistics value chain.

“In my book, I have highlighted practical ideas that can help the country maximise the Logistics sector in the long term. I have highlighted key policy reforms, including the need for the government to implement enabling business reforms that support the ease of doing business along the key value chain.

“An effective logistics sector is enabled by the ease and facilitation of trade, export promotion, and the presence of infrastructure that can support the sector, such as roads, rail, maritime and inland waterways, and aviation. This is in addition to port reforms that will ensure easy access and evacuation from the ports.

“Strong bilateral and multilateral relations between Nigeria and other countries are also a foundation for building the supply chain industry. Even though Nigeria is making efforts in this regard as one of the member nations under the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCTA), the country must sustain this effort and consolidate its regional collaboration,” Makinde said.

Tayo Rotimi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, MacTay Consulting, described the book as a compendium of ideas that reflect the author’s extensive experience, invaluable insights, profound knowledge, and unwavering passion for the Logistics and supply chain industries.

He noted that the book would serve as a catalyst for transformation within the Nigerian logistics sector, with practical solutions that can unlock the sector’s untapped potential and elevate it to new heights.
