Mbah accepts victory, promises not to run a sectional government in Enugu

Dr. Peter Mbah

Enugu State governor-elect, Dr Peter Mbah, said on Thursday that he would dedicate his tenure to the service of the state, stressing that he will not run a sectional government.

In an acceptance speech, Mbah regretted that attempts were made to create division between Nkanu and Nsukka people of the state using the election, but explained that the proponents have failed.

He was declared winner of the election on Wednesday night after polling 160,895 votes to beat his closet rival, Chijioke Edeoga of Labour Party who scored 157,552 votes.

“Under our administration, there can never be division between Nsukka and Nkanu or any other section of the state. We are all brothers and sisters. Those who attempted to create a wedge between us failed woefully. We were massively voted by every section of the state,” Mbah said.

“Those who wanted to smack our heads together had an ulterior motive and it was to create perpetual fussing and fighting between us. We resisted their machination and today, we are coming together stronger. Our resolve thereafter is to pursue the spirit of divisiveness from our state.”

He said the election that brought him to office was a keenly contested one, adding that the people of the state by his election made “huge investment for their tomorrow”.

“I accept this announcement with a glad, solemn and grateful heart and with only one obligation: to devote every tissue of my flesh, the totality of my mind and spirit to the task of the greatness of Enugu State.

“Like every electoral process, the journey of the last few months was intense. The one of the last three days was even fiercer. Enugu was literally at a standstill, waiting, with baited breath, for justice to take its course.

“There was restiveness in our youths and apprehension in the minds of the entire NdiEnugu. The fear was that there could be miscarriage of justice. On the streets of Enugu, you could feel the palpable air of an overheated polity brought by the prolonged, tortuous road to justice of the last 72 hours.

“Since the electioneering process began, though the road was rough, it was obvious that we were not alone on the rough road. At every intersection of the rough road, Ndi Enugu were with us. Collectively, we trudged along with bravery and strength of character. Your presence shielded us from rough tackles that were aimed at our spine.”

Mbah promised that his administration will bring joy to the state.

“We will make you remember March 18, 2023 with a toothy smile. In infrastructure, health, tourism, education and development of our state in general, we will run a government that you can be proud of. We are in a hurry to dualize the Abakpa, Ugwuogo Nike-Nsukka road, build a monorail from Enugu to Nsukka, Udi, Awgu and construct a ring road to connect all the 17 local government areas of Enugu State

“We are in a hurry to build a world-class Theme Park in Enugu. We are in a hurry to establish Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in all the local government areas, as well as Agro-Allied Processing Zones and Industrial Parks in all our senatorial zones.”

He extended a hand of fellowship to all those that contested the election with him, urging them to support him and serve the people.


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