LUTH CMD seeks PPP model to improve hospital infrastructure

Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Idi-Araba, Lagos

The new Chief Medical Director (CMD) of Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Prof. Wasiu Adeyemo, has said that he will leverage Public Private Partnership (PPP) policy of the government to source for funds and support for the development and maintenance of hospital infrastructure.

Adeyemo, who spoke with journalists heralding his appointment as the new CMD of LUTH said: “We intend to transform LUTH into a leading healthcare institution of international standard, with the full cooperation of members of staff, students and management board. Successes recorded in PPP will be sustained and further strengthened. Funds shall be set aside for maintenance, repair and growth.”

He listed some projects he would embark on to include infrastructural renewal, improving staff welfare, working environment and industrial harmony, improving power supply; quality assurance/improvement and clinical governance, among others.

Other projects include extending Health Information Management System (HIMS) to cover clinical and non-clinical services in the hospital; research, training and capacity building; financial accountability; accountability and responsiveness in patients’ management and strengthening Anticorruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU) of the hospital.

Saying his vision statement is to align himself with the vision and mission of LUTH, he added his major thrust would be to run an effective, efficient, transparent, productive, accountable, responsive and merit-driven institution to meet the objectives and policies set by the Board of Management of LUTH, the Ministry of Health and Federal Government of Nigeria.

To him, the welfare of staff, students, patients and Board members would also be a priority.

“Under my leadership, Management by Objectives (MBO) and Management by Wandering Around (MBWA) will be the two management techniques to be applied to achieve my administration’s objectives and strategic plans,” he added.

At the LUTH Idi-Araba Campus, he stated he and histeam intend to establish full-fledged Department of Geriatrics in line with the policy directive of the Federal Ministry of Health; establish full-fledged Department of Hospice and Palliative Care; completion of the New Outpatient Complex presently under construction at Vegetable Garden opposite the Main Idi-Araba Campus; construction of aconnecting pedestrian bridge between the Main LUTH Idi-Araba Hospital Complexand the newly developing facilities at the Vegetable Garden, Idi-Araba; redesignation of the current Outpatient Building to a multi-storey Accident and Emergency Centre to house Adult Accident & Emergency and Endoscopy Centre.”

Chairman the Medical and Health Workers’ Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) LUTH, Comrade Adeyinka Adewale said the union has the confidence in the new CMD, adding he is good at what he does.


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