Locating your destiny helpers (2)

Destiny Helpers
Exodus 2:1-10.

There are different types of destiny helpers. One of them is the advertisers. These are men that speak about you in high places. They help you to spread your curriculum vitae around for men to help you. They may not be able to help you by themselves, but they talk about you to the hearing of those who will help you. In Gen 41:9-14, the butler never had the capacity to help Joseph out of his situation, but he simply advertised him to Pharaoh and he was immediately brought out of prison.

Another type of destiny helpers are the ladder holders. These are trusted and faithful people who will stay with you through your trying moments. They are also called burden bearers. They will help you to hold the ladder of progress as you climb higher in life. In Mk 2:1-12, we see four friends who went the extra mile to see that their sick friend got his healing. May God raise for you men who are ready to remove every roof standing against your progress in life in Jesus’ name.

Again, you need gifted men in life. These are men who will use their gifts and talents to help you accomplish your divine purpose. They are very innovative and with them you do not struggle unnecessarily. In Ex. 35:30-35, when Moses was to build the tabernacle he asked the people to bring donations of whatever they had, but most importantly, God gave him a gifted man named Bezaleel who was filled with the spirit of God in wisdom, understanding, knowledge and in all manner of workmanship.

Another destiny helper you need are the divine connectors. They are different from the advertisers; they are people that have the connections and contacts that are critical to your destiny fulfilment. They are your ultimate connectors and your relationship with them can open special doors in a moment, which your degrees and skills cannot open in your lifetime. In 2Kings 5:1-3, a mighty and valiant man was sick of leprosy, it was an ordinary maid who connected him to his source of healing.

Again, we have the destiny mentors, these are people that have the experience and exposure that you need to fulfill your destiny. The truth of life is that if you want to go further in life, then get a father. You need to be mentored and prayed for. Your prophet is your profit. You need him to guide you through with his wealth of experience. Elijah mentored Elisha, Paul mentored Timothy and Moses mentored Joshua. All of these were successful men.

Finally, we have destiny sponsors. They are men of access and influence like Pharaoh and his daughter who can take you from the ghetto to the palace.
• Divine Touch International Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Email: dtimchurch@gmail.com. Prayer line: +2348135952623

Surround yourself with people who have a revelation of where God is taking you and who are equally addicted to your success. The journey to destiny fulfilment will require passion, self-discovery, talents, gifts and hard work, but will put the highest demand on your ability to associate with the right people. May you not destroy the relationship that will take you to your next level with your own hand.

• Divine Touch International Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Email: dtimchurch@gmail.com. Prayer line: +2348135952623


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