LASU VC restates commitment to elevating institution, boosting research

Professor. Ibiyemi Olatunji-Bello
Professor. Ibiyemi Olatunji-Bello

Vice Chancellor of Lagos State University, Prof. Ibiyemi Olatunji-Bello, has restated her administration’s commitment towards taking the institution to enviable heights.

During a prayer session to usher in the new year, held at Buba Marwa Auditorium, Main Campus, Ojo, Olatunji-Bello said a bright future awaits the institution under her leadership as ninth substantive vice chancellor.

She appreciated contributions of staff of the university community towards attainment of the institution’s vision. She said: “I see a bright future for our university. Few months ago, by divine providence, I was appointed the ninth substantive vice chancellor of our great institution. We promised we would raise the bar of academic excellence of our university and make it the best in West Africa. I make bold to say that your cooperation in the last six months has shown that you are determined and committed to the actualisation of our vision.”

Olatunji-Bello also used the occasion to reel out some of the achievements she recorded since assumption of office. These include: payment of all cooperative societies’ monthly check-off dues to enable them operate optimally; approval for year 2022 budget with increased capital subvention; activation of Lagos State Health Scheme in the university; commencement of part-time degree programme; completion and opening of Students’ Union Arcade and the provision of two buses for the Union.

Others are: prompt payment of 30 per cent of basic salary as end of year 2021 bonus; consistent payment of salaries on or before 23rd of the month; commencement of rehabilitation of Epe Campus and stoppage of land encroachment; approval of Senate and Governing Council for establishment of three new faculties and release of N400 million as addition to the initial N300 million released for accreditation.

“On this note, I seek the support of all of you to enable us achieve our vision. I promise to run an open, transparent and all-inclusive administration where the voice of everyone will count,” Olatunji-Bello said.

She further appealed to teaching staff, especially those embarking on research, to focus on projects that can solve societal problems, adding that management will actively support research-driven initiatives.


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