Labour decries under-utilisation of NIPSS recommendations by Federal Govt


ORGANISED Labour has challenged President Muhammadu Buhari’s government to adopt policies developed by the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) for the revitalisation of the country’s socio-political economy.

It criticised the abandonment by past governments of the research and policy inputs developed by the Institute in national policy formulation during its 36 years of existence, saying that this has hampered growth and development in the country.

The Deputy President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Issa Aremu, who received some of the students of Course 20 of Policy and Strategic and Leadership Course (PSLC) of NIPSS who were on study visit to the headquarters of the National Union of Textiles, Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN), lamented the attitude of government in jettisoning policy and research inputs of NIPSS for national development.

He said that, “the Federal Government in 1979 established the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies to serve as a high level centre of reflection, research, and dialogue where academics of intellectual excellence, policy initiators and executors and other citizens of practical experience and wisdom drawn from different sectors of national life in Nigeria would meet to reflect and exchange ideas on the great issues of society, particularly as they relate to Nigeria and Africa in the context of the dynamics of a constantly changing world.”

According to him, “To date, over 1,784 participants have graduated from NIPPS. The list includes serving and past top level executives from various walks of life, which include the Presidency, state government houses, civil service, armed forces, academia, labour and para-military institutions among others,” pointing out that most of their contributions have not been adapted.

“As a respected member of the National Institute and Secretary General of the Alumni Association of the National Institute (AANI), I bear witness that over a thousand policy research papers have been commendably generated from NIPSS through the annual Senior Executive Course (SEC). Currently NIPPS runs Senior Executive Course (SEC 37) after 36 years of existence.

“I therefore use this opportunity to call on President Muhammadu Buhari administration to change the story of under-utilisation of NIPSS and make sure his government uses some of the policy recommendations from the Institute.”

Aremu continued: “No doubt NIPSS is a policy bank for all the ideas that will assist this administration to realise its three-point noble agenda namely; security, anti-corruption and economy.”

He added that, “the management of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies should also connect the Institute to the larger society.
The Institute must be consistent with its vision and mission towards a better society.”

