Kikelomo Kuponiyi On Your Money and You: Personal Finance Management In Post-Covid

In 2020, life took a different meaning when the world was hit by a pandemic. We were all taken aback by the sudden change. Nobody had experienced such unprecedented times that caught even the most proactive leader unawares. Now, nearly post-pandemic, the world is trying to get back to normal, trying to recover time and money lost. There is no better time to talk about money. It is, therefore, not a miss to read books on finance at this time. In fact, this is the best time to improve one’s knowledge in personal finance and money management. Kikelomo Kuponiyi has made it easier with her latest book, Your Money and You.

In not more than hundred pages, Kuponiyi delves into how you can make your money work better for you during these times. She elucidates about your earnings, your savings, your investments, budgeting, loans, giving among others. How have you been handling your money before now? Have you been prudent and consistent in your spending? What perception do you have of money? Do you know your money personality type? What’s your financial goal? Are they realistic? There are so many questions this book provides answers to and some of them are highlighted above.

Since getting this book, I have read it more than once and each time I go back to it I find something new. Managing money takes a lot of diligence and like the author said, “The ability to handle and manage money effectively is sometimes innate. Sometimes, it is taught at an early age and successfully imbibed. Sometimes it is not.” This is where books like this come in. It can be difficult to stay consistent with savings or with keeping tabs on investments. Kikelomo Kuponiyi sheds more light on how to go about these and staying on top of one’s financial game.

Reading helpful books on finances and the likes may pose a challenge to some, but this book is one you’ll definitely go back to. It is so easy to read, so easy to assimilate. It offers a solution for every problem mentioned in it. It gives insightful tips and money hacks you can live by. Most of us are guilty of investing in savings as Robert Allen says, but Kuponiyi shares in her book how to use your savings to invest. She enumerates the roles both play in your personal finance and their relevance in building financial stability.

Kuponiyi also shares the weak link that could bring the hard work of our financial health to nothing. She pays attention to giving as a factor in attaining financial success. We all know that giving is an important part of receiving. Generosity is the crux of wealth, but it has to be done sagely. The general tips provided at the end of the book are truths to live by. It may seem taxing, but what’s a little inconvenience in exchange for a stable and healthy financial life. Besides, the uncertainty our world is rocked by unprovoked should be enough motivation.

Kikelomo Kuponiyi has done what most successful entrepreneurs do. They identify a problem and proffer solution(s) to it. The pandemic has created an economic vacuum for some people. It will take a while to climb back up. This book is one to help during that process. Like Benjamin Franklin says, no investment in knowledge is a miss. Hence, a good place to start is to read a book such as this and improve your knowledge on personal finance.


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