‘I’ve always believed in power of storytelling to connect people across borders’

Damilola Ajibade

Damilola Ajibade, a former Channel and Business Development Manager in the ICT industry, embarked on a transformative journey to Canada as a Permanent Resident. Settling into her new home, Ajibade noticed a significant gap in knowledge and understanding about immigrants within her community. Driven by a desire to bridge this gap, Damilola immersed herself in storytelling, recognising its power to amplify voices and foster understanding. Through insightful interviews, she showcased the inspiring journeys of new immigrants in New Brunswick and beyond, eventually leading to the creation of her television show, “The Journey Amplified,” aired on Rogers TV. Beyond television, she actively engaged in public service, supporting new entrepreneurs by providing essential information for their business success. Her impactful contributions were recognised in 2023 when she was honoured as one of Canada’s Top 100 Black Women to Watch. This acknowledgment celebrated her commitment to bridging gaps, inspiring change, and empowering others in the immigrant community. In this interview with ESTHER IJEWERE, she shares her story.

Moving to Canada
It had always been a desire to visit Canada, I was most drawn by the culture of multiculturalism. So, when the opportunity for relocation came by, I was pleased to seize it.

Bridging Gaps in Immigrant Communities through Experience
My experience as a Channel and Business Development Manager was helpful in understanding the challenges faced by immigrant communities. Managing resellers and business partners across Nigeria, Ghana, and Sierra Leone exposed me to a rich diversity of cultural perspectives and business practices. Working across borders requires understanding and respecting cultural nuances. This experience translates well to bridging gaps in immigrant communities, where fostering communication and navigating cultural differences is crucial.

From ICT to Immigrant Experiences
While I enjoyed my career in the ICT industry, storytelling had always been a burning passion. It allows me to connect with people on a deeper level and share the richness of our experiences. When I saw the gap in understanding of immigrant cultures and journeys, it ignited a fire within me. Storytelling became the perfect platform to amplify the voices of newcomers and bridge the knowledge gap. Sharing their diverse backgrounds and experiences not only educates others but also fosters empathy and a sense of belonging for immigrants themselves.

The Moment That Ignited Passion for Amplifying New Immigrant Voices in New Brunswick
There wasn’t one specific moment, but a series of encounters that fueled my passion for amplifying immigrant voices. Several colleagues and neighbours expressed surprise at the growing number of newcomers in New Brunswick, particularly those from diverse backgrounds. Assumptions were made that immigrants wouldn’t speak English fluently, or that newcomers of African descent were solely refugees. These interactions highlighted a real lack of understanding about the experiences and contributions of newcomers. We, as permanent residents at the time, had met the financial requirements to immigrate and contribute to Canada. The influx of newcomers represented an economic benefit, not a burden. Right then, I knew I had to bridge this knowledge gap.

Overcoming Challenges in Creating and Producing ‘The Journey Amplified’ TV Show
Creating a show like “The Journey Amplified” for television was a pioneering effort for the station. They had approached me specifically to add multicultural programmes to meet the growing diverse audience in New Brunswick. As the first show of its kind, we faced the challenge of setting a new precedent. There was a lot of groundwork to be laid: gathering information, conducting research, and collaborating with the station to determine the show’s format and placement. Naturally, there were discussions about the best approach, where it would fit within the programming schedule, and even some uncertainty about audience reception. I remember vividly, a conversation with the studio manager. While navigating these challenges, he encouraged me “not to back down on discussing uncomfortable topics.” Those words were a powerful reminder of the show’s importance and the need to create a platform for these stories, even if they sparked difficult conversations.

The Impact of Storytelling
I believe stories capture our emotions. By sharing personal experiences, they allow listeners to connect our struggles and triumphs. This creates a sense of empathy and compassion, encouraging us to see the world through another’s eyes. When we hear a narrative that resonates with our own lives, we feel understood and validated. This shared understanding builds connections and a sense of belonging within the communities. I believe it also challenges stereotypes and breaks barriers. By listening to diverse narratives, we gain a deeper appreciation for different backgrounds and experiences. This fosters tolerance and acceptance within the community.

Empowering New Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Impact in the Community
Through storytelling, I amplify the voices of entrepreneurs. Sharing their tenacity and resilience showcases the possibilities of what they do, and that motivates others, especially newcomers seeking to pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams. Witnessing the impact firsthand fueled my desire to do even more. Now, as a Business Navigator for the New Brunswick government, I directly guide entrepreneurs, including newcomers, through the regulations needed to navigate the business landscape legally. Many newcomers gravitate towards food and hair/beauty industries, which have specific regulations in Canada. Understanding these can be a hurdle. That’s why I leverage both my storytelling platform and official role to provide clear, accessible guidance on those requirements.

Significance of Being Named One of Canada’s Top 100 Black Women to Watch in 2023
Being recognised was incredibly humbling. It’s a tremendous honour to be recognised alongside so many phenomenal Black Canadian women making a difference. This recognition feels like a spotlight on the potential I have to keep growing and inspiring others. It motivates me to push even further, knowing there are people who believe in the work I’m doing. I see this as an opportunity to amplify my voice and create an even greater impact. It’s a responsibility I take seriously, and I’m excited to continue working hard and inspiring future generations.

Envisioning Continued Impact on Immigrants and Entrepreneurs
Immigration is tough. That’s why I see my platform evolving to provide even greater support for newcomers and entrepreneurs in the future. My storytelling platform will continue to be a beacon of hope, inspiration and guidance immigrants and entrepreneurs. By sharing the journeys of immigrants, I can empower others to chase their dreams in Canada. But beyond that, I also see myself continuing to act as a bridge between cultures, breaking stereotypes and changing the narratives by spotlighting the realities and beauty of our diverse experiences. I aim to foster understanding and appreciation among both immigrants and established Canadians. This will create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone in Canada. Ultimately, I envision a platform that will foster a vibrant community where immigrants feel supported, empowered, and celebrated for their unique contributions.

Exploring Qualities and Experiences that Drive Advocacy and Empowerment
My passion, resilience and hard work to drive positive change in my community qualifies me as a woman of rubies. These qualities have been forged through my own experiences and dedication, and have fueled my efforts to amplify and advocate for unheard voices and untold stories.

3 women who inspire Damilola and why
Oprah Winfrey, she is a media mogul and philanthropist. She uses her platform to empower and uplift others. By sharing inspiring stories and providing opportunities for marginalised voices, she fosters understanding and promotes positive change.
Mo Abudu, also a media mogul and founder of the first global black entertainment and lifestyle network. She is a powerful voice for African storytelling and entrepreneurship. She stops at nothing but keeps using her network to create opportunities for her community across global media networks.
Malala Yousafzai, fought for the right of girls’ education. Through her powerful storytelling and advocacy, she brought international attention to the issue and inspired millions around the world.


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