It is fight to finish

For a struggle of over 200 years, it was time to fight to finish. Whatever the causes of the fight, “I have a right to enslave you,” “you have no right to enslave me,” “he has a right to enslave him,” “he has no right to enslave him”. All that argument were over. Economically, slave labour is too expensive compared with wage labour. The rest of the argument is pure personal pride.

All religions do not accept the ownership of one human being by another. No religion permits the wanton use of one human being by another without compensation, and adequate compensation for that matter.

There are, of course, through conquest of war slaves are taken prisoners and arrangements are immediately put in place to redeem them through exchange and such peaceful processes. What happened in the United States of America can only be described as a fight to finish between the formally enslaved black population and the slave-owning white population.

It is to be noted that there were exceptions-slaves who owned slaves as evidence of their absolute freedom. Still, this does not justify one human being being the owner of another.

The American civil war was partly fought over the ownership or otherwise of slaves. Enough money had been accumulated to form the basis of capitalism in the country. The rest was just decorative. Yet, there was still a percentage of the white population that would still kill, or be killed to keep their slaves.

For now, it must be assumed that the war in the United States was not a war to the last drop of blood. Conditions were set up to ensure that amelioration in the material condition of African-Americans will make their lives better. In no time at all Tulsa arose as evidence that change was possible. At the same time, the destruction of that prosperity, showed that the white population was not able to live at peace with its Black population.

Final solutions were to be found. Take all Africans back to where thy came from. This was impossible. There were Africans who did not wish to return to Africa, for whatever reasons they might which to provide. Here they were in America and here they intend to stay. Genocide was tried but it did not work. Under a situation of a dual state the United States of America dwelt a double life. Extreme racist groups dedicated to wiping out black People from the society worked hard to achieve their aims. Jim Crow laws persisted and illogical ideas of equal but the same went on in the society.

The police were the instrument of control and insurance that blacks could never ever make it.

Education, Voter education, careful management of one’s resources ensured that some black people lived a better life than whites.

Liberalism and Democracy along with Humanitarian ideas flourished and human life became easier to live. It is impossible how much responsibility must be allocated to Barack Obama for the changes that came over the country in the last six os years, including the years of Donald Trump presidency. He confesses that it was Barrack Obama that drove him to the White House. Those who have looked at the material insist that Trump began his campaign against the election from the day of inauguration. He discredited the electoral system that took him to the office. He began to dismantle the system that had kept the world away from war. Climate change was turning the world impossible to live in. Or on. Sea-level temperature rise made island-nations begin to experiment with living inside water. That was on the one hand. On the other, there are people who do not believe in any of these ideas.

It is also difficult to say that it is the difficult conditions of today that has turned the world upside down for many.

Over the whole world, gun control, drug use, radical movements claiming more liberties for one’s body threaten one’s control over-one’s body.

There is a great demand for less government than more government. Unless ordinary people take their government back from the ones who intend to enslave the population, it would soon be impossible to live on earth.

There must be an end to frequent voting in the United States of America. America must take its freedom back from the United Nations Organizations. Structures such as the World Health Organization to which America contributes but from which it derived no benefit must let America go its own way.

Whatever efforts have gone into making African-Americans conjure up so much votes to increase their share of the votes is a waste of energy. It will not be allowed to stand. That was my conclusion when Trump began to make his big noise, began to ask his fellows to get ready and get steady.

In the military tradition I belong to you do not lead people along a particular path and then dodge them when critical decisions have to be taken. In fact, the leader who is encouraging his followers to join him to get the ‘authorities’ to wipe out the sudden numbers of votes will be the first example to place his life on the line.
Until the very last day of his being in power, he is still in control of the button that gives him access to the bomb that wipes out half of the world.

Of course, he attends the hands-over. His speech is quiet on a different direction. The path he sees is that path in which he is not prepared to live as a minority. And his followers are not ready to follow him. That is the line I thought Trump had chosen. I didn’t think he was making a list of offenses from which he must pardon himself, the coward.

The further development of Liberalism, the furtherance of Democracy and the growth of Humanity will continue to flourish. First and foremost, cowards must get out of the way for men and women of courage to come forward and lead the new world of Democracy.


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