Insecurity hampers rescue of trapped Niger miners

Insecurity and difficult terrain are hampering rescue operations for miners trapped in a pit that collapsed on Sunday in Galadima-Kogo, Shiroro Local Council of Niger State, an official has said.

The Niger State Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, Ahmed Yumu, who disclosed this yesterday, however, said the ministry and other stakeholders were making efforts to rescue the trapped victims.

“The ministry, in collaboration with other agencies and other professional stakeholders, is doing their best in seeing that trapped miners are rescued even though it’s been over 24 hours since the collapse occurred,” the ministry’s spokesperson, Hanibu Wushishi, quoted the commissioner as saying, in a statement yesterday.

“The rescue efforts are still on despite the difficult terrain, insecurity in the area and the possibility of more collapse if the rescue effort is not done professionally and cautiously.

“The commissioner and his permanent secretary, once again, appeal to artisanal miners to be careful on mining procedures and call on relevant authorities to monitor, supervise and prevent mining, which is fast spreading to every nook and cranny of the state to avert future occurrence.”

He added: “The ministry appeals for patience, understanding and prayers from all Nigerlites and Nigerians for the successful rescue of these innocent artisanal miners.”

The mining site belongs to a company identified as African Minerals and Logistics Limited. It collapsed on Sunday following a downpour. Between 30 and 50 people are feared trapped in the pit.

One person was confirmed dead and seven others were rescued with severe injuries. Those trapped include the site manager identified as Ibrahim Ishaku and dozens of workers.


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