Indonesia President-Elect pledges to strengthen ties with Africa

Indonesia’s President-elect and Defence Minister, Prabowo Subianto, has pledged to strengthen ties with the African continent, while ensuring that domestic policies and global diplomacy remain a priority in his administration.

Subianto, speaking at a closed-door meeting at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, emphasized the importance of learning strategies to address social issues and manage natural resources effectively.

He highlighted Indonesia’s commitment to humanitarian efforts, particularly in response to the crisis in Gaza. “We are ready to receive 1,000 injured Palestinians as our first step. We will also receive 1,000 children to continue their schooling in Indonesia and return them home after completion,” he said, adding that these steps have earned respect from many countries.

Subianto described Indonesia as a model country, committed to strengthening bonds with Africa through shared experiences and partnerships. “Africa is a continent close to my heart and a land of opportunity. We can support each other by sharing experiences, building synergies, and partnerships to transform our countries. We will continue to build stronger international partnerships, particularly with African nations.”


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