There seems to be no end in sight to the battered image Nigeria has suffered internationally with the release of another stereotype commercial in the United States targeting our country's infamous advanced fee fraud industry known as 419. The present commercials play on our Nigeria's perceived international reputation as scammers' haven.

The commercial, released this week by Identity Guard, a United States Company safeguarding internet users in the US against online identity theft and currently playing on CBS, a frontline US television broadcast is also being circulated on the internet especially on You tube and other international television network.




Identity Guard Commercial And Nigeria’s Image

There is an urgent need to fix this country. Needless to say that Nigeria is ranked amongst the poorest countries in the world despite our human and material resources. Corruption still thrives in this country. All the indicted officials in the last administration including former governors are still walking free of the law.

It won’t be long for Nigerians to learn of the massive corruption currently going on long after this administration completes its term. These are bad times for ordinary Nigerians, and it has always been worse in the last two decades when Nigerians suffered untold hardship in the hands of visionless and corrupt leaders.

What do we expect outsiders to do? Foreigners live in this country and they know nothing works. The 6,000 mega watts of electricity promised Nigerians this December is now a mirage. Do Nigerians also need a soothsayer to predict that the Vision 20-2020 is also what it is – a promise? And in our country, promises to citizens are never fulfilled.

In spite of the efforts of the EFCC, scores of 419 mails are received daily by victims in other countries cementing Nigeria ‘s image as the source of these spam mails. It is difficult to transact any form of business online as an honest Nigerian. Online payment cards are not accepted if the source is Nigeria . Online enquiries for opportunities are ignored or blocked once they know the source is Nigeria . Yet the PDP government boasts that it wants to be in power for a century. How low can a country sink?

The continued international damage to our country’s image will never stop unless we put our house in order and the present leaders commit themselves to good governance which will address the root cause of this negative image. Now it is the Identity Guard advert now making waves internationally further sinking our already battered image, whence comes another?

Olupohunda lives in Lagos.

