Hush’D redefines beauty with nine new products

Leading skincare, beauty and wellness brand, Hush’D has strengthened its hold on the pulse of the beauty space by launching nine new revolutionary products.

The launch, which was announced through their social media pages recently is a reiteration of the brand’s commitment to servicing their teeming customers with premium products and establishing their position as a one-stop-shop for all things skincare in Nigeria and

Speaking on the launch, the Founder/CEO, of the company, Abiola Ahmed-Kass speaks on the big idea behind the launch and its significance to the core values of the brand while also giving a perspective on the launch.

She said, “We did a soft launch for each of the products on our social media pages where we primarily engage with our community. However, we organised an event which we tagged Hush’D Beauty Brunch on the 26th of May to commemorate our successful foray into this new dimension of beauty.

“For us at Hush’D, we reckon that women and men can show off their skin unfiltered and confidently so too. That’s why we have embarked on this journey with these nine new products. So, I guess the ultimate strategy is to enhance the confidence of our teeming customers. They can now be confident in their skin. They don’t need to hide behind digital filters or face fillers to express themselves confidently.”

While explaining the significance of the launch, the Founder/CEO added that the launch of the 9 new products was premeditated and had been in the pipeline for years.

“We were not even conscious of the number 9 until we began production. Our customers were the voices behind these products. We simply listened to their requests. So, we ideated and began research on these products two years ago and began production last year.

“When we entered 2024, it just so happened that it’s same year that we will be clocking 9 years as a brand. We turn 9 in September. September 13th precisely. So, it is now a coincidence that in the same year that we turn 9, we are launching 9 new products. So, I will say the stars are aligning for us at Hush’D.

Ahmed-Kass noted further, ” For us at Hush’D, it’s been 9 awesome years of nurturing our esteemed customers with premium skincare products that enhance their skin-fidence and unwrap their latent shine. With 40-plus premium products in our range that were made by leveraging nature’s best, we are ever committed to catering to all genders, skin types, and complexions.”

Among the nine products launched is DIG, a perfumed shimmering body oil that marks our foray into a new niche of beauty products.

Another is AA’s Secrets, a revitalising and nourishing serum named after the founding CEO, Mrs Abiola Ahmed-Kass.

The remaining seven products include, Zilla Snail Mucin, Yonmi Lactic Scrub, Aqua Glow
Collagen Boost, Rice Glow Toner, Vitamin C + Niacinamide Face Wash, Luster Glow, and
Retinol Serum.

