How Legend Taste, Tell Campaign Revs Brand Loyalty in PH

Commedian Mc Omini (left), Assistant Brand Manager –Stout Category and Life Lager, Nigerian Breweries Plc Maria Akpan, and Samuel Oaikhena, winner of a brand new generator at the Legend Extra Stout Taste and Tell campaign that held at the Arcania Bar, Port Harcourt recently
Commedian Mc Omini (left), Assistant Brand Manager –Stout Category and Life Lager, Nigerian Breweries Plc Maria Akpan, and Samuel Oaikhena, winner of a brand new generator at the Legend Extra Stout Taste and Tell campaign that held at the Arcania Bar, Port Harcourt recently
It was a night that would probably not be forgotten so quickly by many residents of Port-Harcourt who found there ways to the Arcania Bar, where a draw was held as part of the on-going Legend Extra Stout Taste and Tell campaign.

As the brand provided opportunity to have a fun filled time as well as smile home with gift items from the campaign, many of the consumers pledged their unflinching loyalty to the brand. The event, which created a spectacular ambience for consumers to bond with the brand, has also recruited ‘Legend’ loyalists whom, in separate interviews expressed astonishment by the transparency and sincerity of the brand in rewarding them.

Chijioke Nnedu, a dealer on building materials who won a refrigerator at the Taste and Tell game voiced delight at his success at the game and praises for the Legend brand. Nnedu with two others were able to identify Legend Extra Stout from three unmarked glasses containing different stout brands.

According to Nnedu, Legend is truly the real stout. He said: “I have never believed in promos because I believe it is always fraudulent, but with what I saw today, I am very impressed; not because I won, but because the process was very clear to everyone. I have already started my campaign for Legend. I bought just one bottle and here I am with a refrigerator. I have called most of my friends to start drinking Legend because I believe it is the only authentic stout.”

Equally, Samuel Oaikhena, a civil servant, who emerged the big winner of the night, winning a generator, felt he had been rewarded for his consistent patronage of the Legend Extra Stout brand over the last five years. A visibly elated Oaikhena promised to embark on a word-of-mouth campaign for Legend Extra Stout.

Oaikhena stated: “I have been drinking Legend for more than five years, so when I heard Legend was coming here, I decided to come and enjoy myself. But I was surprised when my ticket was picked. I feel rewarded for my patronage of the brand.”

Similarly, Sherif Armstrong, winner of an LED television, was shocked beyond words when his ticket was picked. Sherif was confident he would win having consumed Legend Extra Stout for a long period of time. Armstrong who came with friends pledged his loyalty to the brand, promising to invite friends to take only Legend Extra Stout.

The event held at the Arcania Bar was the second in the city of Port Harcourt. The first Taste and Tell campaign took place at Lesukaa Event Center in June.
The Taste and Tell campaign featured music by Lagos-based Platinum Blazers Band, which supplied fun seekers with a quality mix of old school tunes and contemporary ones. The event was compered by Port Harcourt-based comedian, MC Omini.

