Group says Buhari’s anti corruption posture good for Nigeria’s image

President Muhammadu Buhari...
President Muhammadu Buhari…
Igboezue International Association, an Igbo socio-cultural organisation, has said that the zero tolerance to corruption by President Mohammadu Buhari, has increased the rating of the country in the international community.

Chief Pius Okoye, chairman of the , said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), in Awka, on Friday.

He said the country stood to gain a lot from the president’s visit to the United States, if the bargain was equal standing and not at the expense of Nigeria’s national pride and cultural identity.

The group particularly kicked against the legitimisation of same sex marriage, which the US could have likely suggested, saying it was against the culture and tradition of Africa as well as not in line with natural order.

On the $2.1 World Health Organisation (WHO) reconstruction assistance fund approved for the North East, the group said it should be used to address crisis ridden areas and beyond the region.

Okoye said it will become a national debt which would be serviced with contributions from every part of the country, pointing out that every region had its own form of disaster in the past.

“The loan is good but it should be used to address the development needs of every part of Nigeria and not North East alone.

He said that Nigerians were awaiting the dividends of ‘change’ which they voted for, and therefore urged President Buhari to remain resolute in his quest to evolve a new Nigeria that would be economically prosperous and politically stable.

He expressed hope that Buhari’s cabinet, when constituted, would comprise of people without past blemish.

