Group faults Kano lawmakers over emirates law amendment

The New Kano Development Agenda (NKDA) has hit out at the State Government and House of Assembly for dissolving the Five Emirates Council and reinstating Muhammadu Sanusi II as Emir of Kano.

Governor Abba Yusuf reinstated Sanusi right after signing the Kano State Emirate Council (Repeal) Bill 2024 into law.

The new law replaces the Kano State Emirates Council Law, 2019, and dissolves the emirate councils created by Governor Yusuf’s predecessor, Abdullahi Ganduje.

In a statement signed by its leader Alhaji Shehu Gambo, the New Kano Development Agenda alleged that Governor Yusuf and the lawmakers do not mean good for Kano and Nigeria.

He said that the action is a clear example of political manipulation and a disregard for the rule of law and the principles of justice, adding that it is a threat to national unity, economic development, and social cohesion.

Gambo lamented that Sanusi’s reinstatement may further polarize and divide the people of Kano, exacerbating existing tensions and conflicts while undermining the traditional institutions.

He noted that this development may create divisions among traditional rulers in Kano, undermining their unity and collective influence with the issue of legitimacy crisis a possibility.

“The recent dissolution of the Kano Emirates and the reinstatement of Emir Sanus has sparked a political crisis in Kano State. This move has far-reaching implications that threaten the unity and progress of the state, and indeed, the country as a whole,” Gambo said.

“The Kano Emirates were established in 2019 as part of a decentralization effort to promote grassroots development and reduce the concentration of power in the hands of a single monarch. The emirates were created to bring governance closer to the people and promote cultural heritage. The dissolution of the emirates is a reversal of this progress and a return to the old system of centralized power.

“This has significant political implications. Firstly, it is a clear example of political manipulation and a disregard for the rule of law and the principles of justice. The Emir was removed from office for gross misconduct and violation of traditional norms, and his reinstatement is a slap in the face. This move undermines the trust and confidence of the people in the political system and institutions.

“Secondly, the dissolution of the emirates is a threat to national unity. Kano State is a strategic state in the north, and any political instability in the state has far-reaching implications for national security and stability. The reinstatement of Emir Sanusi, who has a controversial record, is a recipe for conflict and division.

“The dissolution of the Kano Emirates and the reinstatement of Emir Sanusi Lamido also has significant economic implications. The emirates were established to promote decentralization and grassroots development, and their dissolution is a reversal of this progress.

“The concentration of power in the hands of a single monarch is a recipe for economic stagnation and underdevelopment. Furthermore, the reinstatement of Emir Sanusi, who has a record of financial recklessness and mismanagement, is a threat to the economic well-being of the state. His previous tenure was marked by financial scandals and mismanagement of resources, and his reinstatement is a gateway to economic disaster.

“The dissolution of the Kano Emirates and the reinstatement of Emir Sanusi Lamido also has significant social implications. The emirates were established to promote cultural heritage and bring governance closer to the people. The dissolution of the emirates is a reversal of this progress and a threat to the cultural identity of the people of Kano.

“Furthermore, the reinstatement of Emir Sanusi Lamido, who has a record of divisive and controversial leadership, is a threat to social cohesion and stability. His previous tenure was marked by conflict and division, and his reinstatement is a recipe for social unrest and instability.

The group, therefore, called on the Kano State Government to reverse this decision and ensure that the rights and interests of the people of Kano are protected and respected.

Gambo also urged the Federal Government to intervene to ensure that the rights and interests of the people of Kano are protected and respected.

