‘Good team crucial to successful business’- Ruffin

Industry Expert, Donovan Ruffin has explained that a good team is crucial in forming a successful business.

According to Ruffin, he learned that a good team is crucial to form a successful business.

He said: “Some of the biggest challenges in business is; money and people. Learning how to raise private capital makes a significant difference in the ability to scale, but is one of the most difficult. Along with growing a strong team of people around you. Developing people is never an easy task, but extremely necessary with growth.”

Ruffin, a motivational speaker and real estate investor Donovan Ruffin grew up the same way many of us did; by being raised in an underprivileged home by a hard-working single mother. By watching her Ruffin learned the importance of hard work. And by believing that he could form his own future, he laid the foundations of his future success. “I grew up in a small town in Ohio, with my single mother.

Even though we’re under-privileged I was blessed with a loving family and a good example to go out and work hard.”

Developing people goes hand in hand with developing businesses, a skill which Ruffin has come to master. “At 20 years old I started my own marketing company with my former boss who became my business partner. We focused on direct marketing for Fortune 100 companies nationwide. We scaled the company to a multi-million-dollar operation with around 10 sales offices nationwide. I began investing my profits into real estate marketing, buying distressed properties for cash, and reselling them after they were fixed up for retail. After a few years of investing, I shut my marketing company down and went full time real estate and scaling my acquisition department all around Texas. Now we do around 6-7 Million a year buying and selling houses around Texas virtually from our office in Addison. We have been able to grow a strong team at Equity Cash Offer, LLC.”
