Experts tap Nigeria on AI potential, revolution

Artificial Intelligence (AI). PHOTO; FORBES

The Director-General of the Development Agenda for Western Nigeria (DAWN) Commission, Seye Oyeleye; a Professor of Statistics at the University of Ibadan, Olusanya Olubusoye; the United Kingdom-based engineer, Georgina Ayoola; another foreign-based business analyst, Prince Afolabi Andu; Dr. Babajide Adelekan and others, at the weekend, charged Nigeria to embrace the reality of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or be left behind in the global revolutionary trend.

They made the call during the Nigerian Millennials Technology Ignited conference for young Nigerians at the International Conference Centre, University of Ibadan, Oyo State.

The programme was attended by thousands of youths, focusing on AI and technology. It was organised by Nigerian Millennials Technology Ignited.

Oyeleye, who spoke on the theme: ‘The Role of Technology on Growing Nigeria’s Economy’ said: “AI is not just a technology, but what I will term transformational technology that will be applied across several critical sectors of the economy, to change our story as a nation.”

He said if AI is applied correctly as a tool, it would be the game-changer in the economic diversification drive of the country.

The DG added: “The fourth industrial revolution is upon us and that is the age of AI. Nigeria can’t afford to be left behind. Things are now done cheaper, faster and better with little human interference, thus achieving greater productivity. As a nation that wants to compete on the global stage, this is where we must be, and AI is that tool we must master and make it a national policy to learn.

“Thankfully, all I have said does not need much money, the Internet indeed has made it cheaper, what we need is strategic policies that will make it easily accessible and pronto the country with her huge resources will compete favourably.”

The Technical Director, Wavepalm Technology Solutions, the United Kingdom, Georgina Ayoola, who spoke on the theme: ‘Introduction to the World of Electronics Technology’, said anyone who failed to embrace artificial intelligence would be left behind.

“So, you need to follow the trend of technology, upgrade your skills, and acquire more knowledge. Artificial Intelligence is the way to go. It is in everything we do. Without electronics, no AI. Get on it now so that you become marketable and employable’’, she said.

On his part, the founder of Nigerian Technology Ignited, Afolabi Andu, said technology and AI would become the next pivotal pathway for Nigerian youths.

Andu said: “The programme is to create a forum where the young one can listen to top global experts in the areas of technology.

“There is a need for them to improve. The most vital skill that will be of benefit to anyone today is technology. The world is driven by technology. On the back of that for me, it is a give back. My company, a technology organisation abroad, decided to host this event in Ibadan for Southwest millennials. The intention is to move it to other parts of the Southwest before we move it to other parts of the country. Our objective is to ignite technology among our youths.”

A Professor of Statistics at the University of Ibadan, Olubusoye, who spoke on the theme: ‘Developing a Career in Data Technology’, said: “The idea is to encourage these young minds to realise that they can pick careers in data technology. The truth is that the modern world is ruled by those in digital tech and data space. This is the direction the world is going. If anyone is not skillful in any of these areas, it is not likely the person will fit properly in the current age of Artificial Intelligence.”

Dr. Babajide Adelekan, who spoke on the title: ‘Application of Technology in the Agriculture Sector’, stressed that “it is in your interest to learn AI now. We want everyone in Nigeria to know AI. That is what will push the Nigerian economy forward.”


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