Enugu LG Poll: Nothing will stop LP again-Barr. Odo, Enugu LP Chieftain

Barr. Titus Onuora Odo, the Enugu State Labour Party Publicity Secretary and Candidate for the forth-coming Council Chairmanship elections in Igbo-eze north has beat his chest that nothing will stop the party in the up-coming local council polls.

The fiery and firebrand human rights lawyer also dispelled the rumoured crisis rocking the foundation of the party while fielding questions from selected press men in Lagos, adding that the rumoured crack in the party is a mischievous machination and invidious propaganda being orchestrated by the Pdp to dissuade and discourage people from the labour movement.

“Let me correct an erroneous impression. There is no crisis rocking our party.” What you see as crisis are the handiwork of mischief makers who are acting the scripts of their paymasters who are already ganging up and plotting to dislodge the party.

Mr. Odo, who was apparently exasperated by the alarming rate of hunger, starvation and hardship in the country emphatically posited that there is urgent need to interrogate issues and conseqyently address the ugly and gory situations. He went further to say that drastic situations require drastic measures. This is a very chaotic and combustible situation,” he thundered.

On the rumoured plans by some House of Assembly members elected under the platform of Labour Party, Mr. Odo pointedly noted it’s needless trying to pre-empt them. Assuming without conceding, should anything like that happen, we won’t have any option than to do the needful by activating the constitutional provisions guiding defections. When we get to the river, we cross it, he concluded.

On the performance of Gov. Peter Mba-led administration, Odo posited that the performance rating is not just abysmally low, it comes with a lot of pains and hardships. Under the guise of high revenue generating drive, Mba-led administration is busy inflicting pains on ndi Enugu. Reckless and indiscriminate imposition of tax has become the trademark of this administration. As it stands, ndi Enugu are groaning under the heavy burden of bad leadership.

Mba-led administration has failed in all ramifications to fulfill almost all the campaign promises. He promised to supply water to all households in Enugu in less than 180 days in office, he promised to dualise Ugwuogo/ Opi road as soon as he is sworn and other sundry fictitious and gratuitous promises and in all these, he failed. If you walk around Enugu, you will understand what I’m saying. All the roads that Mba awarded claimed to have the contracts were awarded only on papers. Nothing is going on in Enugu. It has been motion without movement.


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