Entrepreneur Abhishek Agrawal shares ways to grow business exponentially

Growing your business exponentially is the ‘Holy Grail’ of entrepreneurship. There is nothing quite like riding a wave of success that appears to generate its own unstoppable momentum. Of course, seeking to achieve something and actually succeeding in it are two different things. Founding a business capable of exponential growth is a tricky process but it can be done, just ask leading entrepreneur Abhishek Agrawal.

As a well-known model, successful photographer, sought-after influencer, and ambitious businessman, Abhishek is a man of many talents but behind everything he puts his hand to there is one unifying factor, and that is his steely ambition to do everything bigger and better than anyone has done it before.”

“Ambition and having the right mindset is key to exponential growth,” explained the man from India. “You have to believe and really hunger for success if you’re to steer your business into uncharted territory. Only once you have the desire to play the game at the highest level are you ready to step up to the plate and hit a home run.”

Of course, it’s all well and good to dream big but making your dreams a reality takes a lot of hard work and practical endeavor, as Abhishek advises.

“There are three key things you need to focus on when growing your business,” explained Abhishek, “And the first is how can you increase the number of potential clients? The second is how can you increase the number of transactions, and thirdly, how can you increase the revenue of each of those transactions. It’s not rocket science but you need to be extremely focused on each area if your business is to experience a surge in exponential growth.”

The devil is always in the detail, and Abhishek advises to only use those three areas of focus as a starting point before delving into the areas you need to explore in greater detail.

Abhishek explained, “Obviously to maximize your client base you need to have an effective marketing and advertising strategy in place. So make good use of social media and technology to achieve those aims. You also need to surround yourself with the right people, whilst identifying your strengths and playing to them. It’s all about making the best use of all the tools in the tool-box and having the resilience to keep your eye on the target. As I mentioned previously, if you’ve got the ambition, self-belief, and the staying power, then your job is almost done. All that remains is mere formalities.”


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