Embracing Wholeness And Creating Routines that Work

Something happens every time you close your eyes at night. You move from season into season.
Your life is constantly evolving and as your responsibilities change, your needs change too. As your needs change, the way you plan for them must change too. This is important for you to understand because it also applies to the
strategies you employ during planning and managing your time.

When working with individuals to develop sustainable daily routines to help boost their productivity,  emphasise should be made on this lesson. You are a living being; your life isn’t static, so your plans shouldn’t be
either. You don’t know all there is to know; therefore, as you journey on into more self-awareness and growth, stay flexible.

One quick way to create holistic routines is to identify your season. Once you’ve done that, focus on your most important goal and plan for it. In the next section, we’ll share how you can create daily routines that

Creating daily routines that work

Before we get too deep into this conversation, it is worth reminding you that you should be kind to yourself.
You won’t always function at 100 and that’s okay. We all go through challenging situations, so being kind to yourself is valid.  Know when it’s okay to pause. This is the pivotal tip to creating an effective routine. With that point settled, let’s consider three more.
• List out your routine activities and assign time slots to them.

• Identify your most effective hours and schedule mentally-demanding
tasks for that time.

• Have a window of flexibility. Put your plan to test and see what you can tweak for better results.  suggest the following three-step system to writers who desire to create a fail-proof writing routine. You might find the lessons beneficial.

Step One: Draft a template of how your day goes. You’ve lived long enough to know how your ideal day goes. When do you wake up? When do you sleep? What are you expected to be doing at specific hours? Write your daily plan.

Step Two: Sit down with that template. Now, you’re looking at your life on paper. Identify your most active hours; those are no-go areas. We’re looking for the less active hours, your ‘me- time’. Put a circle around them.

Step Three: Create that fail-proof routine. At this point, you know the time of day that is yours to use as you wish. If you wake up early, those wee hours might be it. If you sleep late, 11 pm might be it too. Set a reminder that should go off at that time and once the beep goes, settle in and begin to scribble.

You can now create a routine to build personal development skills. My overall second most important tip to building daily routines that work is this: eat your frog early. Credit to Brian Tracy for the original words.
“Early” refers to your peak periods when you feel most energised. You know yourself better than I do. When are you more alert and fired up to do serious work? Consider this when planning out your routine and fit those activities that require zero distractions for that period.

Put these tips to test and let me know how they work for you. Whatever you do, please be kind to yourself as you make plans (and then spread that kindness to others). Embrace the uniqueness of your existence here on earth, even as you work to maximise the resources you’ve been blessed with.


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